Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Department of Transport - 2010 Regional & Local Road Grant Allocations
22 February 2010. Circular RLR 4/2010
2010 Regional and Local Road Grant Allocations
A Chara,
1. I am directed by the Minister for Transport, to enclose details of the 2010 grant allocations to your authority in respect of the maintenance and improvement of regional and local roads and the Local Improvements Scheme (LIS). Due to the recent severe weather, the Minister has decided to refocus the regional and local road grant categories for 2010, in order to provide local authorities with greater flexibility to deal with the urgent repair of damage to the regional and local road network arising from the recent flooding and prolonged severely cold weather. The priority now has to be the protection of the existing network and the massive investment in it over the last number of years.
To this end, the Restoration Improvement Programme is suspended for 2010. For this year only, the Restoration Improvement grant and the Discretionary Improvement grant are amalgamated into a single ‘2010 Improvement Grant’. In additionthe Special Block Grant and Block Grant for Urban Authorities are amalgamated into one ‘2010 Block Grant’.
The total grant allocation in 2010 is €411,408,500. The amounts available nationally under the various grant headings are set out in Appendix 1 and individual local authority allocations and scheme details are set out in
Appendix 4.
2. The conditions applying to the payment of allocations under the various grant categories are set out in the new Memorandum on Grants for Regional and Local Roads, 2010 which will issue to local authorities shortly. Separate circulars will issue in respect of the following:
· 2010 Improvement Grant
· 2010 Restoration Maintenance Grant
· Local Improvements Scheme
3. Local authorities must ensure that all works undertaken on foot of State grants are completed in accordance with the applicable conditions by the various intermediate and completion dates set out in Appendix 2 and Appendix 3.
In addition, local authorities should vigorously pursue outstanding invoices from contractors during the year to ensure the timely claiming of grants in 2010. Local authorities should claim eligible payments as soon as possible and shouldn’t wait until the end of the year to do so.
Progress on all grant-aided works will be reviewed regularly and grants re-allocated where a shortfall in expenditure is expected. Such adjustments may entail the distribution of the sum involved to another local authority.
Full Records of all projects must be maintained on MapRoad (GIS) and be made available for inspection, if required.
4. Own Resources Expenditure
The commitment of local authorities to contribute significantly from their own resources towards the cost of improving and maintaining the regional and local roads network is essential. In particular it is vital that local authorities at least maintain and increase where possible monies available for the maintenance and improvement of road pavements. It may be necessary for local authorities to postpone major widening and realignment schemes to achieve this objective but the first priority must be the satisfactory protection of the existing road network.
5. Claims for payment of Grants
Local authorities should note that claims must be made through the new National Roads Authority (NRA) database from 2010 onwards. The NRA will be in contact with each local authority separately in relation to the processing of claims.
6. Unpaid Bills
From 1st January 2010, the facility to claim recoupment of unpaid bills will no longer be available to local authorities.
7. Audit Requirements
The accuracy of all figures submitted by local authorities e.g. grant claims, output data, details of own resources expenditure, Form B1s etc., is of the utmost importance. These figures are used in providing progress reports for the Regional Assemblies, the Department of Finance/NDP CSF Monitoring Committee and in briefing for Ministers and others.
As part of our on-going review of the regional and local roads grant system, it may be necessary from time to time to introduce new requirements to further enhance the control systems in operation between local authorities and this Department.
You are reminded that this Department and EU and/or Department of Finance Auditors can at any time carry out a comprehensive audit on regional and local roads expenditure.
8. Weather Warning Arrangements
Local authorities are again reminded of the need to ensure that the necessary arrangements are in place with Met Eireann to receive weather warnings.
It is a matter for each authority to finance weather-necessitated works from its own resources, supplemented as required, from the discretionary grant allocations. In line with established practice, a contingency provision should be reserved from the overall resources available to each authority for regional and local roads so as to deal with damage attributed to severe weather conditions, including flooding.
In addition, in times of above average rainfall, local authorities should ensure that gullies and drains in high risk areas are kept clear, to reduce the risk of flooding.
9. Restoration Programme
(a) 2010 Improvement Grant
As stated in 1 above, the Restoration Improvement Programme is suspended for 2010. For this year only, the Restoration Improvement grant and the Discretionary Improvement grant are being amalgamated into a single ‘2010 Improvement Grant’ in order to provide local authorities with greater flexibility to address the needs of the regional and local road network in their area. €188,807,000 will be provided under the 2010 Improvement Grant.
The main criteria for this category is that funding must be directed at remedying road defects, road strengthening and drainage.
Where this work involves overlay, the following requirements apply in terms of design:
· Overlay design for rural roads must be carried out in accordance with the Department's Guidelines on the Depth of Overlay to be used on Rural Regional and Local Roads. Table 5 of that document must be followed in the calculation of overlay thicknesses and appropriate materials should be selected in accordance with Table 6 of the document. The overlay document also specifies that good drainage is required in order to maintain road bearing capacity. It specifies (in Appendix F) the Engineering Standards which apply to all overlay works on Regional and Local roads.
· The following specific requirements should be noted in respect of rural Regional and Local roads:
- Wearing course macadam should not be used in the rehabilitation of rural Regional and Local roads,
- Surface dressing should be applied to dense bitumen macadam overlays as soon as is practicable for skid resistance purposes
- Dense bitumen macadam alone should not be used on pavement layers that have a poor loadspreading ability (i.e. SCI > 250mm)
A separate circular will issue in relation to the requirements of this grant category.
12. 2010 Restoration Maintenance Grant
The Restoration Maintenance Grant will continue as normal in 2010. €60 million will be provided under the 2010 Restoration Maintenance Grant.
A separate circular will issue in relation to the requirements of this grant category.
13. Low Cost Safety Improvements
The 2010 grant allocations provide for funding of €6,268,195 to enable low and medium cost safety improvement works on regional and local roads to be carried out by local authorities. Details of individual allocations are given in Appendix 4C.
The criterion for approval and grant allocation is based on accident data along with inspection of sites and discussions between the local authority and the NRA. Safety work measures can include signage, markings, high friction surfaces and the provision of improved sight lines at junctions. The provision of flashing lights at schools on regional and local roads may also be considered eligible for funding under this measure or in the context of the use of discretionary grants.
14. Strategic Regional and Local Roads
Strategic regional and local road grant schemes are being scaled back to reflect the policy of refocusing our priorities on protecting the existing road network. In 2010, only schemes already committed to will proceed. A total of €23,698,543 has been allocated to relevant local authorities in respect of this grant category in 2010.
15. Capital Appraisal Procedures
Attention is drawn to the Department’s circular letter RLR 19/2008 outlining new procedures for the management and appraisal of capital programmes and projects which apply to all specific projects with a total project cost in excess of €5 million inclusive of VAT.
16. Community Involvement Scheme
County Councils are reminded that they should continue to seek community involvement in improvement and maintenance work on suitable regional and local roads and to facilitate this, as in previous years, a portion of the 2010 Improvement and Discretionary Maintenance grant allocations may be reserved by authorities for eligible schemes.
Local authorities should refer to the guidelines set out in Circular Letter RW 2/98 and ensure that all necessary insurance arrangements have been made should non local authority staff carry out maintenance works “on the public road”, under the Community Involvement Scheme.
17. Specific Improvement Grants Scheme
The Specific Improvement Grants Scheme will also be scaled back in 2010 to refocus priorities on the existing road network. A total of €33,901,219 is being provided under this grant category in 2010.
Local authorities are reminded that files and expenditure records, including Form B1s, for EU-aided schemes (i.e. Specific Improvement Grant Schemes (including Re-classified Strategic Regional and Local Road projects), Border/ Maritime/ Interreg and Peace Initiative) are open to Article 4 and Article 10 Spot-Checks under EU No 438/2001 by Intermediate bodies and by the ERDF Financial Control Unit respectively and to on-the-spot inspection and audit by the European Commission and the European Court of Auditors. In compliance with EU requirements, all documentation associated with all schemes included in the NDP Programme 2000 – 2006 must be retained until at least 2025. Original papers must be stored and be readily available; microfilm or microfiche copies on their own are not acceptable.
Your attention is also drawn to Circular RLS 41/2005 of 20/12/2005 which advises that pending closure of the audit carried out by DG Regio into the Transport Operational Programme 1994-1999, it is essential that all relevant documentation be retained at each level, beyond the end of December, 2005 until further notice.
These schemes are, of course, also subject to spot-checks by this Division under Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 438/2001.
15. Discretionary Grants
Discretionary grants totalling €77,512,000 will be available to meet the cost of maintenance and improvement works selected by local authorities pursuant to relevant Departmental Circulars.
(a) Discretionary Maintenance Grant
A Discretionary Maintenance Grant of €51,000,000 will be available to County Councils in 2010.
(b) Discretionary Block Grant
The Block Grant and Special Block Grant for urban authorities are being amalgamated in 2010 in order to provide local authorities with greater flexibility to address the needs of the regional and local road network in their area. A total of €26,512,000 is provided under the 2010 Block Grant.
The main criteria for this category is that funding must be directed at road strengthening, remedying road defects and drainage.
16. Advance Notice of Road Works
By way of a general comment local authorities should give farmers and others appropriate advance notice, where necessary, where it is proposed to carry out road works.
17. Disabled Persons Parking Bays
It should be noted that concern has been voiced regarding a shortage in the number of disabled persons parking bays that are being provided by local authorities. You are requested, therefore, to review the position in this regard and to consider the provision of additional disabled persons parking spaces.
18. Regional and Local Roads Training Programme
The 2010 regional and local road grant allocations provide €2,157,237 million to County, City and Borough Councils in Specific Training Grants.
19. Local Improvements Scheme (LIS)
A sum of €5 million is being provided to local authorities under the LIS in 2010. A separate circular will issue in relation to this grant category.
20. Regional Roads Signposting Programme
€4,900,000 is being provided for the continuation of the regional roads signposting programme, which began in 2003. Full details of all signage documentation must be forwarded to the NRA and approval obtained before proceeding to tender.
21. Special Grant for the Provision of New Footpaths and Repairs to Existing Footpaths in Former Town Commissioner Areas
A sum of €4,080,067 is being allocated for the provision of new footpaths and repairs to existing footpaths in areas served by former Town Commissioners that are now Town Councils in 2010. Details of individual allocations, where applicable, are set out at Appendix 4C.
A grant of 2/3 of the total actual expenditure will be paid, subject to it not exceeding the maximum grant allocated for that scheme.
Mise le meas,
Doreen Keaney
Principal Officer
Transport Investment Division
To: Each County and City Manager &
Each Director of Service for Roads and Town Clerk
Grants available in 2010 under various grant headings
The total 2010 State provision of €411,408,500 for Regional and Local Roads will be distributed to local authorities as follows:
· 2010 Improvement Grant, totalling €188,807,000 will be paid to County Councils.
· Restoration Maintenance Grant totalling €60,000,000 will be paid to County Councils for surface dressing.
· Discretionary grants totalling €77,512,000 will be available broken down as follows:
County Councils | Discretionary Maintenance Grant | €51 m |
Urban Authorities | Block Grant | €26.512 m |
· Specific Improvement Grants for road improvement projects. These grants will total €33,901,219 million in 2010.
· €23,698,543 has been allocated for Strategic Regional and Local Road projects.
· A total of €4,900,000 has been allocated under the Regional Road Signposting Scheme.
· €6,268,195 has been allocated for Low Cost Safety Improvement works.
· Training Grants of €2,157,237have been allocated to County, City and Borough Councils in 2010.
· €4,080,067 has been allocated for the provision and improvement of Footpaths in former Town Commissioner areas.
· A sum of €5,000,000 has been allocated under the Local Improvements Scheme.
· Miscellaneous Grants in the amount of €3,051,261 are also being provided in 2010.
Appendix 2
Intermediate and Final Completion Dates for Regional and Local Road Works
County Councils
Operation | Intermediate Completion Dates | Final Completion Date |
Surface Dressing (SD) | 1/3 by end June 2010 2/3 by end July 2010 3/3 by end August 2010 | 31 August 2010 |
Road Reconstruction (RR) and Surface Restoration (SR) | 1/3 by end May 2010 2/3 by end July 2010 3/3 by end September 2010 | 30 September 2010 |
All works other than SD, RR and SR (except schemes which of their nature must continue into 2010) | 1/3 by end June 2010 2/3 by end August 2010 3/3 by end of October 2010 | 31 October 2010 |
1. Road Reconstruction involves the regulation or reconstruction of the existing road pavement and overlaying with bound or unbound materials with or without surface dressing and the provision of drainage, where necessary.
2. Where work is completed by the various dates, the cost incurred should be reflected in the following months expenditure return. For example, the cost of surface dressing work completed by the end of June should be reflected in the June return which must be with the NRA by the 16th of July.
Appendix 3
Completion Dates for Regional and Local Road Works
Urban Authorities
Operation | Completion Date |
Restoration Works on Carriageways and Footpaths | 30 September 2010 |
Individual Grant Allocations and Scheme Details for 2010
Grant Type | Length (m) | 2010 Grant | Total |
DM: Discretionary Maintenance Grant | €680,000 | ||
RM: Restoration Maintenance Grant | €801,000 | ||
Improvement Grant | €2,426,000 | ||
BS: Low Cost Safety Improvement Grants (details in Appendix 4C) | €181,810 | ||
SG: Specific Improvement Grants SG: R115: Stocking Lane | 835 | €243,999 | €243,999 |
SIGN: Regional Roads Signposting (details to be agreed) | €150,000 | ||
TR: Regional and Local Roads Training Programme Grants | €29,799 | ||
SNNR2: Strategic Regional and Local Roads Grants SNNR2: Embankment Road Extension | 2620 | €4,500,000 | €4,500,000 |
Total 2010 Regional and Local Roads Grant Allocation | €9,012,608 | ||
Total 2009 Regional and Local Roads Grant Allocation | €8,250,899 | ||
% Increase in Total Grant 2009 to 2010 | 9% |
BS: Low Cost Safety Improvement Grants (details in Appendix 4C)
Scheme Location | Length (m) | 2010 Grant | Total |
BS: GREENHILLS ROAD [R819] | 3186 | €27,500 | |
BS: NEILSTOWN ROAD @ SHOPS [L1025] | €40,860 | ||
BS: ORWELL ROAD / GLENDOWN ROAD JUNCTION [L8371/L8346] | €60,000 | ||