Tuesday, March 09, 2010
MOTION: Councillor J. Lahart
"That the Manager update Members on progress with regard to Bolton Hall."
A site inspection of Bolton Hall, RPS Ref. 286 was carried out on 27th January 2010. A formal response was submitted by Mr. Fred Fullard, Burkeway Properties Ltd dated 17/12/09 to address the items as per the Section 59 Endangerment Notice which was served on the owners of the Protected Structure on the 6th November 2009. It was detailed in the response that a temporary roof structure was to be erected and this was completed sometime in December 2009 to ensure that the structure was water tight. The permanent roof timbers and felt including all associated works have been carried out to date. The natural slate tiles for the roof were on site and it was confirmed by the foreman and Mr. Fullard that the permanent roof will be fully completed by the beginning of March 2010.
The Conservation Officer will carry out another site inspection at this time to ensure that all permanent roof works are completed. It should be noted that the main roof structure would have been completed sooner however the flat roofed areas of the wings which flank the main house need to be completely replaced due to ongoing water ingress and water damage caused by the fire brigade. It is considered that Burkeway properties Ltd have dealt with the S59 Notice in a positive manner. They agreed to construct a permanent roof to ensure the structure would be protected but they have now started to undertaken remedial repair works to the other parts of the structure ensuring no other damage is caused to the existing fabric. They are also proposing to reinstate ceiling and decorative plaster work were ceilings have been damaged by fire and water damage. Details and particulars were discussed re conservation works and the Conservation Officer was informed by the site foreman that the Conservation Architect has been on site regularly.
It was agreed at the meeting that a full report would be completed by the Conservation Architect providing full details on the works that were/are being undertaken and would be sent to the Conservation Officer on completion of the works to ensure a full record is kept of the conservation works of Bolton Hall.