south dublin county council crest


Monday, March 08, 2010


HEADED ITEM: C. Services Department


ab) Lucan Clondalkin Area Committee (1) - 17th February 2010

 Dealing with Planning, Development & Parks, Roads

The following motion was PASSED at the Lucan/Clondalkin Area Committee Meeting on 17th February , 2010.

It was proposed by Councillor R. Dowds and seconded by Councillor T. Ridge:

That this Committee recommends that South Dublin County Council has discussions with those involved with geo-thermal energy work in our county to see if its possible to get a geo-thermal energy scheme centered in the most built up areas of our county up and running in the near future and that the council reports back to Councillors on the results of the discussions.

The following report by the Manager was READ:

South Dublin County Council has been in ongoing discussion with those promoting the exploitation of geothermal energy in South Dublin over a period of several years to date.  The Council supports the exploitation of geothermal energy for heat where technically feasible and economically viable to serve existing or planned future demand at appropriate locations throughout the County.  Working with Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI), the Council has recently developed a planning model to assess heat demand in the Central Tallaght area and to test the feasibility of a range of means of meeting that demand, including deep geothermal.c) Lucan Clondalkin Area Committee (2) -23rd February 2010

Following contributions from Councillors R. Dowds, T. Ridge, E. Tuffy, G. O' Connell and T. Delaney, Mr. P Hogan , Senior Planner responded to the queries raised and the report was NOTED.  It was AGREED that the above motion would be referred to the Council Meeting.

Supplementary Report 8th March 2010

As indicated in the report to the Area Committee South Dublin County Council has been in ongoing discussion, (see appendix 1 attached), with those promoting the exploitation of geothermal energy in South Dublin over a period of several years to date. 

Working with Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI), the Council has recently developed a planning model to assess heat demand in the Central Tallaght area and to test the feasibility of a range of means of meeting that demand, including deep geothermal.  The ‘Tallaght Study’ is nearing completion and identifies the provision of a district heating system as a key element of delivering geothermal energy to customers in South Dublin. Our conference on 12th Feb was an important step on developing the process, including the upcoming regulatory requirements. (Full conference details & papers here)

As suggested in the Motion it has consistently been the Councils position in meetings and correspondence with all interested parties that the Council would welcome a geo-thermal energy scheme centred on the most built up areas of the County. 

In the first instance, any such scheme will require a district heating system to distribute heat in the form of hot water to customers.  Supported by the outcome of the Tallaght Study, the Council has therefore decided to progress a district heating system for the core area of existing heat demand in the most built-up area of the County, i.e. Central Tallaght.

 The principal advantage of such a system is that it may be fuelled by a range of more efficient and renewable energy sources than currently used.  It is envisaged that working with a small number of key stakeholders who are also high energy users, (eg. IT Tallaght and Tallaght Hospital), in the area, formal ‘Expressions of interest’ would initially be sought based on an Energy Services Company or ‘ESCO’ model.  This will also enable the Council to respond to proposals already received, (and potential proposals), from energy suppliers in compliance with EU procurement legislation and procedures.

Next steps :

  1. Complete Tallaght Study.
  2. Establish stakeholder group and confirm feasibility.
  3. Produce project outline and commence expressions of interest procedure.
  4. Assess ESCO options, (including geo thermal), with stakeholder group.
  5. Establish District Heating Company for Tallaght and implement scheme.