Monday, February 22, 2010
QUESTION: Councillor D. Looney
"To ask the Manager for an update on work carried out in the past 3 months and future plans for (a) the pavilion, (b) the unused basketball court and adjacent site and (c) the remainder of Beechfield Park, Cherryfield, Dublin 12?"
A site meeting took place between the Parks Department and representatives of the Cherryfield Residents Association on November 30th, 2009. Committments were given to undertake repair works to the parks boundary, to clear the tennis courts of moss, to undertake repairs to footpaths and to renew the ground surfacing at one access point. Arrangements are being made to complete these works within the coming weeks. Issues raised relating to the enhanced frequency of grass cutting in the Park will be addressed when the seasonal programme of grass cutting resumes from mid-March. A suggestion to apply paint-on interactive games for children onto the footpath surfaces is being explored with the Council's Arts Officer. Discussion took place also with regard to the future use of the basketball court. The Residents Association are of the view that if the basketball court was resurfaced and new stands and nets installed that the facility would be used. This matter is being considered in consultation with the Council's Sports Officer and is subject to the identification of the necessary funding.
The pavilion in Beechfield Park currently provides changing faciltities in half of the building for the two football clubs with pitch allocations in the park, Cherryfield Utd. FC and Castle Celtic FC with the other half of the building used for activities relating to the tennis courts. Clarification is being sought with regard to the current status and level of activity of the tennis club in the area. An aspiration was discussed for the future development of the pavilion that would include the upgrading of the changing facilities and the provision of a community facility which would be available for a variety of community interests in association with the Cherryfield Residents Association. The Parks Department is supportive in principal to proposals to expand the broader community use of the pavilion as this would have the effect of facilitiating increased public presence and use of the park and the pavilion and act as a deterrent to the prevailing issues of anti-social behaviour. However, the upgrading of the pavilion would require considerable capital investment, the source of which would have to be identified. In order to avoid a piecemeal approach to future planning of Beechfield Park, the Parks Department have put forward a proposal to prepare a master plan in consultation with the local community to guide the future development of the park in accordance with local needs and a newly emerging population profile in the general area. A master plan would enable the prioritisation of resources as they become available to undertake works in an organised and cohesive manner to untimately achieve the overall plan. It is intended to advance a consultation process towards formulating a master plan over the coming months.