Monday, February 15, 2010
Implementation of the Homeless Strategy
The vision contained in the Homeless Agency's Action Plan 2007-2010 is the ending of long term homelessness and the need to sleep rough in Dublin by the end of 2010. This vision is underpinned by three strategic aims:
-The prevention of homelessness.
-The provision of effective services in each of the four Dublin local authority areas.
-The provision of sufficient long term housing with appropriate supports as required.
In conjunction with the implementation of the Homeless Strategy, Pathway to Home, from the 1st April 2010 the Homeless Persons Unit which is located in the City Centre and provides an assessment and placement service to the 4 Dublin Authorities will no longer be used for that purpose. From that date on all who are presenting as homeless will have to call to the relevant Council and will be assessed and placed by that Council. South Dublin County Council has established a unit to specifically address the needs of homeless persons who present from that date. It is the intention to run this service from the housing counter in County Hall in the first instance. Initially it is intended to open from 10:00 to 12:00 and 2:00 to 4:00 daily. This will permit the level of activity to be assessed and if necessary a more specificor focused arrangements put in place.
While it is the intention that all emergency accommodation for homeless persons should be in their own County it is recognised that this is not possible in the short term and the existing emergency accommodation in use will continue for some time to allow an orderly withdrawal from it and its replacement in the other Counties.
This Council is currently examining a number of options for the provision of Emergency accommodation within the County. Specifically the use of Liscarne House in Clondalkin is being examined at present and other locations are being investigated. A report will be brought to the Council in the near future in this regard.
It is also the aim to ensue that emergency accommodation is returned to its original intention of being short term support for homeless and to this end to move all persons homed in such accommodation into mainstream housing within 6 months. To enable this, the DOEHLG have provided 2 targeted schemes to address the long term housing needs of people progressing from emergency to independent living. These schemes are know as Support to live independently (SLI) and Homeless RAS initiative.
Both of these schemes envisage the procurement of accommodation largely in the private sector on a long term basis. In the case of SLI accommodation with low to medium supports will be provided on a reducing basis for a period through a general support service which the DOEHLG and Homeless Agency have now secured. RAS option will accommodate those who have little or no support requirements. Tenants allocated housing under the schemes will be required to pay a rent based on the Differential Rent Scheme.
The 4 Dublin authorities have now established a inter authority group who will source and procure leased accommodation from private developers throughout the region. The accommodation will be in each authority in line with the number of homeless persons to whom we have a duty of care. Currently this Council is working in conjunction with the City and the HPU to establish the numbers we will have to accommodate. Any accommodation sourced will be in accordance with the limits set out in the Housing Strategy.
The DOEHLG have indicated that the funding of the strategy will come from the proceeds of savings on emergency accommodation which is currently being used as mainstream housing and that it will be of similar to what was provided in 2009.
The Council's Scheme of Letting Priorities sets out the criteria for eligibility for housing based on homeless priority. It is not envisaged that these criteria will need to be amended at this time. The receipt of applications for housing accommodation has significantly increased in 2009 and in line with current practice those applying for housing on the grounds of homelessness are placed on the Homeless Register for priority housing. They are not included on the Housing List as well.
The Council is fully committed to implementation of the Homeless Strategy and will continue to develop the provision of local responses to meet the needs of homeless applicants within the Council's administrative area.