south dublin county council crest


Monday, February 08, 2010


MOTION: Councillor E. Tuffy

That this Council notes the paragraph on page 45 of the National Climate Change Strategy 2007-2012 : " As part of a comprehensive policy position on climate change, the Government is committed to developing a national adaptation strategy over the next two years. This strategy will provide a framework for the integration of adaptation issues into decision making at national and local levels." The Council requests the Manager to write to the Minister for Environment, Heritage and Local Government urging the early publication of the "national adaptation strategy", so that individual Councils can develop locally relevant adaptation strategies and implementation plans, and in particular so that SDCC can, as the National Climate Change Strategy states " provide in the County Development Plan "that areas at risk of flooding may be regulated, restricted and controlled." 


South Dublin County Council is currently awaiting the publication of the national policy on adaptation measures to ensure that any potential future adaptation measures taken by the Council will be consistent with national policy.  It should be noted however that this Council has produced it’s climate change strategy to prevent the need for adaptation, through the taking of mitigation and prevention measures.  While the strategy concentrates on mitigation and prevention it must be recognised that adaptation measures may still be required, and it is proposed that such issues will be considered further on receipt of the national policy on the matter.

The National Climate Change Strategy 2007 – 2012 states that ‘as part of a comprehensive policy position on climate change, the Government is committed to developing a national adaptation strategy over the next two years. This strategy will provide a framework for the integration of adaptation issues into decision-making at national and local level.’   By circular dated 17th December 2009 notification was received from the Department of Environment that a Framework for Climate Change Bill 2010 had been produced.  The framework document proposes provisions both in terms of mitigation and adaptation which will have significant implications for local authorities and it is proposed to finalised the heads of the proposed legislation before the end of Quarter 1 2010.  It also states that it is intended to hold a formal public consultation process when the detailed Heads are published and a Regulatory Impact Assessment will also be carried out.

If this motion is passed the Council will write to the Minister in accordance with the content of the motion.