south dublin county council crest


Monday, November 23, 2009


Planning Files - Large applications under consideration.


SD09A/0419 Reg. Date: 23-Oct-2009 Applicant’s Name: Laytar Ltd. Submission Type: New Application         Location: Belgard Square East, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Proposed Development: The construction of a 5 storey over basement level car park mixed use development of 26915sq.m. gross floor area comprising retail use of 6339sq.m., together with cafe/restaurant use of 297sq.m. and entrance foyer for the cinema/leisure use of 115sq.m. at ground level;  retail use of 6856sq.m. at 1st floor level;   leisure/bowling use of 3321 sq.m. together with part cinema foyer/back of house of 2736sq.m at 2nd floor level; a 14 screen multiplex cinema of 6154sq.m. at 3rd floor level;  a cinema projector floor of 1097sq.m. at 4th floor level.  The development also includes a new landscaped public plaza at the corner of Belgard Square East and Blessington Road together with a new public street linking Belgard Square East to Belgard Road.  The development also comprises 2 sub-stations at ground level on the southern elevation onto the proposed new street;   provision of 240 no. car spaces and 200 no. bicycle spaces with vehicular access via ramp from Belgard Road and provision of services and plant at basement and roof level.  The development also includes all associated site works, boundary treatments, signage locations/zones and landscaping all on a 0.91Ha site bounded by Belgard Road, Blessington Road and Belgard Square East (the former Woodies site). Decision Due on or before: 17-Dec-2009  
SD09A/0439 Reg. Date: 10-Nov-2009 Applicant’s Name: Institute of Technology Tallaght Submission Type: New Application         Location: Institute of Technology Tallaght, Belgard Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Proposed Development: Demolition of existing ball alley and construction of an extension to the existing synergy building of 2851sq.m. in area over 3 floors inclusive of roof level plant room.  The extension comprises a new centre for applied science and health and (C.A.S.H.) and provision of Synergy 2 expansion.  The application also includes a separate enclosed gas compound of 7.6sq.m.,  a waste compound/bin storage,  landscaping,  drainage,  site works,  connection to existing utilities,  extraction flues to roof and lighting.  The application will require an amendment to previously granted planning permission, SD09A/0327,  resulting in a loss of 25 no. car parking spaces granted under that application all on a site generally bounded to the west by Belgard Road, to the north by grounds of industrial buildings accessed off Airton Road, to the west by Greenhills Road and to the south by the Old Blessington Road and the grounds of The Priory, Tallaght which forms part of the Tallaght Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) and which includes the Protected Structures of Tallaght Castle Gate (Ref. 269), Saint Mary's Dominican Priory (Ref. 270) and Saint Mary's Church (Ref. 273). Decision Due on or before: 13-Jan-2010