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Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Report on Site Meeting at Willbrook Lawn

An on site meeting was held at the open space at Willbrook lawn on September 23, 2009 to discuss the location and detail of the proposed gated railing across the open space area adjacent to no. 29 Willbrook Lawn.  In attendance were officials from the Parks Department, representatives of the Willbrook Lawn Residents Association and Elected Members Cllr. Cosgrave, Cllr. Keane and Cllr. Lahart.  Apologies were received from Cllr. Coburn who was unable to attend but had visited the area and discussed the issue with the Parks Department in advance of the site meeting. 

The meeting was chaired by Cllr. Cosgrave.  Landscape reinstatement works completed to date on the open space area were outlined by the Parks Department.  These works commenced during late spring this year following completion of the reconstruction of the boundary wall to No. 29 Willbrook Lawn by the property owners.  The reinstatement works involved considerable clearance of scrub, tree pruning and removal, and levelling and drainage of the open space area taking account of the location of underground services within the open space as well as the foundation levels and structure of the boundary wall to no. 29.  The open space area was subsequently cultivated and seeded with grass and having established grass cover and completed the landscape works, the hoarding was then removed. 

Prior to clearing the site of the scrub overgrowth, it was very difficult to fully assess the ground levels of the site.  When the scrub was removed, it revealed a partial slope towards the boundary of  No. 29. As the ground level of the open space area is generally higher than the ground level at the boundary of No. 29, it was necessary to retain this slope to avoid compromising the structure and stability of the boundary wall. It was also necessary to retain the slope in order to maintain an adequate depth of soil cover over services located in the open space.  For this reason, the proposed location of the gated railing was reconsidered by the Parks Department.  The presence of the slope would render the gated railing ineffective as a security measure because it would be possible to gain access underneath the gate.  Preliminary works commenced on the installation of the gated railing at the revised location but were suspended pending further discussion with the elected members and the Residents Association.

It was agreed at the meeting of Rathfarnham Area Committee on September 15, 2009 that a site meeting would be helpful to observe the issues involved and discuss them in a more informed manner.  Having regard to the practicalities of the site and particularly the critical levels to be maintained, agreement was reached as follows:

(i) a gated railing is to be installed at a location in line with the rear of house no. 29 as agreed at the Terenure Rathfarnham Area Committee Meeting on November 13, 2007.  This is to comprise a short section of fixed railing extending to ground level across the sloped section of the site and a single-leaf gate across the remaining area.

(ii) the sloped part of the open space will be planted with non-thorny shrubbery

In accordance with the above, the Parks Department propose to proceed with arranging for the installation of the gated railing as soon as possible.  Once installation is complete, the Willbrook Lawn Residents Association have agreed to undertake opening and locking of the gate in accordance with park opening hours to facilitate access to the open space.