south dublin county council crest


Monday, September 14, 2009


MOTION: Councillor W. Lavelle

That South Dublin County Council, in accordance with section 20 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, initiates a variation to the Clonburris Local Area Plan to remove all provisions and references relating to the objective to create new link routes between the lands subject to the Local Area Plan and the existing residential estates of Oldbridge, Rossberry and Tullyhall, all of which would involve the removal or altering of existing boundary walls. This variation will involve:


That South Dublin County Council, in accordance with section 20 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, initiates a variation to the Clonburris Local Area Plan to remove all provisions and references relating to the objective to create new link routes between the lands subject to the Local Area Plan and the existing residential estates of Oldbridge, Rossberry and Tullyhall, all of which would involve the removal or altering of existing boundary walls. This variation will involve:

  • Amending the diagram in Section D.2.8 of the Local Area Plan entitled ‘Proposed secondary urban structure of Clonburris Eco district’ to omit the proposed park link route which connects to the existing green area between Oldbridge & Rossberry estates;
  • Amending the various diagrams under section LAP.01 Kishoge Cross to omit ALL potential pedestrian and cycle links to the existing residential estates of Oldbridge, Rossberry and Tullyhall.
  • To amend any other sections and diagrams of the Local Area Plan as required to ensure consistency with this variation.The Clonburris Local Area Plan was adopted by the elected members of South Dublin County Council on 7th April 2008 in accordance with Section 20 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). The Local Area Plan was adopted by the elected members of South Dublin County Council following two years of detailed masterplanning and two separate periods of public consultation in 2006 (April - July) and 2007 (August to October).


The Clonburris Local Area Plan makes provision for possible pedestrian links into adjoining developments via open spaces, with a view to providing direct and safe access to facilities and services in Clonburris, including the new Kishoge Rail Station, primary school and other facilities. New links have the potential to substantially reduce walking distances to these facilities. (Example shown on accompanying drawing.). A number of submissions in relation to the draft Local Area Plan referred to the need to limit vehicular access to existing cul-de-sacs and estates, stating that links to neighbouring estates should only be made if residents want them. South Dublin County Council agreed with this approach and in this regard the following paragraph from page 26 of the Clonburris Local Area Plan Managers Report on Submissions, dated November 2007, is noteworthy:

A key aim of the Clonburris plan was to provide good connections to existing communities to facilitate ease of access for residents to the rail stations, Metro West stop & other facilities to be provided in Clonburris. It is not intended to provide any direct vehicular access between Clonburris and neighbouring cul-de-sacs and the text of the Plan will be amended to clarify this position. The Plan proposes that pedestrian links could be made into existing developments to the north of Clonburris via open spaces and it is considered that this should be retained as an option for facilitating direct and safe access from existing communities to facilities and public transport and can be made without undermining the safety and security of surrounding areas.

In summary, as :

  • the issue of linkage to adjoining estates was considered in detail prior to the adoption of the Clonburris Local Area Plan, 2008,
  • the connections proposed in the Plan facilitate safe ease of access to services and facilities, (particularly public transport), and
  • the  Local Area Plan is a relatively recent document adopted after a detailed and lengthy planning and consultative process briefly outlined above,

it is recommended that the proposed variation not be initiated.