south dublin county council crest


Tuesday, September 15, 2009


MOTION: Councillor C. Keane

"That this Committee discuss with the aid of a full report on the current status - the re-alignment of the Knocklyon Road with a view to reinstating it as priority on the agenda for Roads – National & local funding taking into consideration it was due to commence this year -  35 years on the Agenda."


The proposed Knocklyon Road Realignment scheme is an integral component of South Dublin County Council’s ‘2004-2010 County Development Plan’ and forms part of the overall road system for the area.

The Proposal is to realign Knocklyon Road as described below:

·        Construction of approximately 900 metres of 9 metre wide carriageway complete with grass verge on either side of the road;
·        Installation of signalized pedestrian crossings;
·        Relocation of access to Pine Grove;
·        Relocation of access to Charleville House;
·        Provision of traffic calming measures on the existing Knocklyon Road;
·        Provision of associated features; 

The Initial Proposal for this scheme was advertised in accordance with the requirements of Part 8 of the Local Government (Planning and Development) Regulations 2000/2001 on the 5th February 2004. Plans and particulars of the proposed scheme were on display and available for inspection and comment in the Council offices until March 2004. The Terenure/Rathfarnham Area Committee were briefed on the scheme  in May 2004 and deferred further consideration until September subject to certain amendments being made to the scheme.  

The scheme was amended and it was considered that the revised scheme was so materially different to the original scheme that a new public consultation process was required.  The revised scheme was re-advertised in  December 2004 in the Irish Independent and the Tallaght Echo and displayed  for inspection in the Council offices and Ballyroan library until Friday 21th January 2005 with submissions accepted up to Friday 4th February 2005. 

Terenure Rathfarnham Area Committee considered the Report on the revised proposals in September 2005 and the County Council approved the scheme at its meeting in  October 2005. 

The Council’s consulting engineer prepared the Compulsory Purchase Order for the Acquisition of the lands in accordance with the approved scheme and the Council published the CPO in December 2006. Four submissions were received by An Bord Pleanála prior to the closing date of 9 Jan 2007 who  convened an Oral Hearing in March 2007.  An Bord Pleanála confirmed the Compulsory Purchase Order on 23rd May 2007.                          

The Consulting Engineer prepared the Prequalification Documentation and the Works Contract Documentation for the scheme in accordance with the new Public Works Contracts introduced by the Department of Finance.   

The Development Contribution Scheme that enables the planning authority to include conditions requiring the payment of a contribution in respect of public infrastructure and facilities benefiting development in the area of the planning authority provides the majority of the funding for the Non-national Road Construction programme. 

The acquisition of land for these roads is not eligible for grant funding and the responsibility falls to the Council to provide the monies required. With the current decline in the number of planning permissions being lodged the Council has seen a substantial reduction in the funding sources available to them.

The Council cannot continue to undertake construction works and land acquisition for Non National road schemes as heretofore as the financial resources are not available through levies to fund same. The Levy contribution scheme in 2009 is expected to be down almost 40% on the 2006 figure and in these circumstances the Council has to adjust expenditure accordingly.

It should be noted that committed expenditure in terms of contract and land acquisition must take precedence over the continued pace of implementation of the Non National road programme. Knocklyon Road improvement continues to be a priority and will be constructed as soon as resources permit.