Tuesday, September 01, 2009
MOTION: Councillor C. Brophy
That the development of residential units in excess of 2 storeys be prohibited within 100m of existing two-storey houses in all residential areas.
The effect of the motion is to pre-judge planning applications which is not permissible in Irish Planning Law.
This motion fundamentally undermines the core strategy of the Draft County Development Plan and would be contrary to proper planning and sustainable development.
The Draft Plan sets out a coherent spatial planning framework for the entire County within the context of national and regional policies. The core strategic aim of the Plan is to promote a more consolidated and compact urban form for the County which are outlined in a number of strategic aims including the promotion of infill development and the concentration of higher density development in areas with good public transport links.
Good planning is rooted in the principles of sustainability and its twin drivers – Diversity and Renewal. The Development Plan must balance environmental, economic and social factors. This motion proposes a subjective, aesthetic preference in favour of a more complex evaluation hitherto carried out to balance these elements and secure a flexible, integrated and diverse environment.
Building height is only one aspect of urban form and, in dealing with development proposals there is a risk of becoming too focused on a building height issue. The other parameters are of equal or greater importance including the creation of:
Section 1.4 of the Draft Plan, Sustainable Neighbourhoods, sets out the criteria that development proposals must meet to ensure the creation of sustainable neighbourhoods throughout the County including meeting the objectives set out above.
The period during 2004-2010 Development Plan showed large changes in the demographic and social profiles in the County. These are real changes, affecting real people with differing patterns of family/household formation and a continuing population decline in the east of the County. Falling population puts the viability of existing social and community infrastructure including schools, surgeries, crèches, at risk. Population revival and suburban regeneration is a task facing the County in the coming years. Prescribing building heights and distances for aesthetic reasons eliminates flexibility in both new and infill development and militates against innovation in house-type and choice. At an economic level it can impact seriously on the viability and deliverability of smaller schemes near infrastructure or public transport.
The protection of the amenity of existing dwellings is a serious task and policies and urban design standards are contained in the plan to address this. It should also be noted that applications are assessed based on the criteria included in the Development Plan and associated Plans in a fair and equitable manner, which underpins the core principle of the Irish planning system that is based on the common good and sustainable development supported by local democracy and public participation including the availability of An Bord Pleanala as a court of appeal.
The Development Plan is intended to scope the larger development agenda in a sustainable context. Simplistic design coding will pre-judge planning applications and slow development and opportunity in a time of need, not ensure the amenity protection it seeks to ensure and damage the possibility of choice renewal in existing districts. The two-storey house in historical villages such as Rathmines, Dun Laoghaire, Blackrock has always sat happily adjoining 1, 3 and 4 storey buildings to create the interest and diversity we all enjoy.
With respect to the Srategic Environmental Assesment serious concerns are raised in relation to this motion. Such a restriction will result in less units per hectare, particularly on brownfield or infill sites. Such a restriction would be inefficient in instances where such sites are in town, district or local centres, and/or sites which are proximate to services and public transport.
Manager’s Recommendation:
The proposed motion should not be adopted.