Tuesday, September 01, 2009
MOTION: Councillor R. Dowds
That it is an objective of South Dublin County Council to prioritise the development of indigenous renewable energy resources within the County. In this context, it is an objective of the County Development Plan to support the continued investigation of the potential and scale of the deep geothermal heat resources within the County including those found at Newcastle. It is also an objective of the Council to support a pilot project to demonstrate the exploitation and use of the renewable energy resource in a new energy self-sufficient residential development and to ensure that such an energy resource is in use before this County Development Plan runs its course.
(This is to replace the final paragraph of 2.5.9 on Renewable Energy.)
The following provisions are included in the draft Written Statement:
“2.5.10.i Policy EC5: Renewable Energy
It is the policy of the Council to support and promote renewable energy initiatives in conjunction with other relevant agencies, when these are undertaken in an environmentally acceptable and sustainable manner.
2.5.9 Renewable Energy
It is acknowledged that renewable energy sources have an important role to play in achieving national targets in relation to reductions in fossil fuel dependency and, by implication, greenhouse gas emissions. In line with the principles of sustainable development, the Council will support and prioritise the development of indigenous renewable energy resources and the maximisation of electricity production from renewable sources.
It is an objective of the Council, in conjunction with the appropriate agencies, to identify areas within the County suitable for renewable energy development and to examine the renewable energy technologies that make use of the indigenous natural resources in the County in a sustainable manner, having regard to any constraints there might be on their development. The Council will also have regard to the Wind Energy Development Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2006) and any other relevant guidelines that may be published from time to time. The Council will encourage best practice development to ensure the long term success of these endeavours.
It is an objective of the Council to examine the potential for the exploitation of deep geothermal heat resources within the County in association with the development of a new sustainable energy-efficient community, in order to facilitate the development of future growth areas in the County in a sustainable manner.”
It is considered that these provisions, which substantially embody the terms of the proposed motion, are appropriate and adequate expressions of the Council’s support and encouragement for renewable energy initiatives in the County, having regard to the strategic aims of the draft County Development Plan.
With regard to the proposed timeframe for the development of geothermal resources in the County, information available to the Council indicates that this extensive resource could potentially be developed at a number of locations in the County. However, it appears that the likely capital costs of any such development project would be considerable. The recovery of such costs would seriously constrain the viability of any development dependent on the energy produced. It is evident that only a large scale urban development would justify such high additional development costs. Having regard to these factors and to the prevailing development environment it is considered unlikely that a sustainable development utilising the resource could be carried out within the timeframe proposed.
No change to Draft Development Plan required.