Tuesday, September 01, 2009
MOTION: Councillor E. Tuffy
That on page 155 – Policy 3.2.17 an additional policy be added entitled “Fencing” with the wording taken from the Mayo development plan – 4.22 and that the county development plan is amended accordingly.
Section 4.22 of the Mayo County Development Plan 2008-2014 states that
It is a requirement of the Planning Regulations 2001–2006 (9(I)(x) that the fencing of hitherto open land used by the public during the 10 years preceding such fencing, requires planning permission. There has been a large increase in the amount of new fencing in the upland areas of the County. Barbed wire has been used in most of this new fencing, which in the absence of stiles or gates, makes access for recreational users of the countryside almost impossible.
Traditional hill sheep farming rarely required fencing but, since the introduction of REPS, sheep farmers are required to stock-proof their lands. The challenge is to ensure that such fencing will be done in a manner that will meet the requirements of REPS without impinging on access for hill walkers.
Taking account of (a) the needs of farmers and (b) the desirability of maintaining access for hill walkers, the Council will use the following criteria when considering applications for new fencing on hitherto open land:
• Fencing in upland or amenity areas will not normally be permitted unless such fencing is essential to the viability of the farm and that it conforms to best agricultural practice.
• The nature of material to be used, the height of the fence and, in the case of a wire fence, the type of wire to be used will be taken into account.
• Stiles or gates at appropriate places will be required
• Barbed wire will not be used for the top line of wire.
Managers Recommendation
It is recommended that this motion be adopted and that a new paragraph be added to Section 3.2.16 Agriculture to read "The Council will use the following criteria when considering applications for new fencing on hitherto open land:
• Fencing in upland or amenity areas will not normally be permitted unless such fencing is essential to the viability of the farm and that it conforms to best agricultural practice.
• The nature of material to be used, the height of the fence and, in the case of a wire fence, the type of wire to be used will be taken into account.
• Stiles or gates at appropriate places will be required
• Barbed wire will not be used for the top line of wire.