south dublin county council crest


Tuesday, September 01, 2009


MOTION: Councillor C. King (Infill Housing in Council Estates) Amend to include: "That this policy will only be pursued where in-depth consulation takes place with the relevant Communities concerned and when examining nearby alternative usable open space takes into account all age groups. This policy will be pursued in accordance with the same standards as apply to private Estates i.e building heights, building lines etc"


Section of Draft Development Plan reads as follows:

Policy H6: Inner suburban/ infill Densities on Council Owned Land

It is the policy of the Council to identify sites for small-scale infill housing. Development on lands in Council ownership which are no longer considered appropriate for retention as open space and/or recreational areas (i.e. lands subject to zoning objective ‘F’).

These are areas of open space in some estates which are of little amenity value due to their size, location or configuration. Open spaces which are not overlooked by housing can also become the focus of anti-social behaviour. The Council will identify suitable sites for appropriate infill development, having regard to protection of the amenity of existing residents, and the availability of alternative useable space in close proximity.

It is proposed to amend the policy as follows:

Policy H6: Inner suburban/ infill Densities on Council Owned Land

It is the policy of the Council to identify sites for small-scale infill housing. Development on lands in Council ownership which are no longer considered appropriate for retention as open space and/or recreational areas (i.e. lands subject to zoning objective ‘F’). This policy will only be pursued where in-depth consultation takes place with the relevant communities concerned and when examining nearby alternative usable open space takes in to account all age groups. This policy will be pursued in accordance with the same standards as apply to private estates i.e building heights, building lines etc.

These are areas of open space in some estates which are of little amenity value due to their size, location or configuration. Open spaces which are not overlooked by housing can also become the focus of anti-social behaviour. The Council will identify suitable sites for appropriate infill development, having regard to protection of the amenity of existing residents, and the availability of alternative useable space in close proximity.

Policy H6 provides general guidance on the acceptability of the development of infill housing in the County on Council owed land across any tenure. The development of any Council owned land would be subject to the following:

It is considered that proposed amendment to Policy H6 is not appropriate to the Development Plan but would be appropriate to Housing and Social Development SPC.

Manager’s Recommendation:

The proposed motion should not be adopted.