Tuesday, September 01, 2009
MOTION: Councillor C. King
At section 1.2.12i point ten amend to include 'whilst consulting and listening to the concerns and coherent arguments of the rural Communities concerned.'
Bullet point 10 of Section 1.2.12.i currently reads as follows:-
"Strictly manage the spread of one-off housing and the expansion of the suburbs into the rural, mountain and high amenity zones."
It is proposed to amend Section 1.2.12.i as follows:
Strictly manage the spread of one-off housing and the expansion of the suburbs into the rural, mountain and high amenity zones whilst consulting and listening to the concerns and coherent arguments of the rural Communities concerned.
The core principles of the Irish planning system are based on the common good and sustainable development, which are underpinned by the strength of local democracy, public participation and third party involvement in the planning system.
The County Development Plan sets out the framework for development in the County for a six year period. The Development Plan must reinforce and support frameworks for planning at national regional, county and city levels. Public participation is integral to the preparation of the Plan and is carried out throughout the preparation of a County Development Plan.
Following each public consultation phase the County Manager prepares a report on the submissions received summarising the issues raised and giving an opinion on the issues. This report is issued to the Elected Members for consideration and discussion prior to the issuing of Directions on the preparation of a Draft County Development Plan by the Elected Members.
The Development Plan provides the framework in which planning applications are assessed. The Planning and Development Acts 2000-2007 provides that any person or body may make a submission or observation in writing in relation to a planning application, which must be taken into consideration when assessing a planning application. Following the making of a decision on a planning application by the planning authority applicants and third parties are open to appeal the decision to An Bord Pleanala.
It is considered that the development framework set out for the County in the County Development Plan is underpinned by a firm commitment to public participation, whilst also reinforcing national and regional planning, and that on the whole the planning system, including the making of a Development Plan and the assessment of planning applications, operates in a completely transparent manner.
Manager’s Recommendation:
No change to Draft Development Plan.