Tuesday, September 01, 2009
MOTION: Councillor E. Tuffy
Section 1.2.24.i Policy H14. Add the following sentence, after "objectives of this Plan.": "Such infill developments will be subject to a Local Area Plan, where the scale of a proposed infill development is significant relative to the size of the existing area and the number of existing residential units."
Section 1.2.24.i of the Draft Development Plan reads as follows:
Policy H14: Infill Development in Residential Areas
It is the policy of the Council to encourage the consolidation of the County through well designed, responsive infill developments, located where there are good connections to public transport and services, and that are compliant with the policies and objectives of this Plan.
The motion proposes to amend Policy H14 as follows:
Policy H14: Infill Development in Residential Areas
It is the policy of the Council to encourage the consolidation of the County through well designed, responsive infill developments, located where there are good connections to public transport and services, and that are compliant with the policies and objectives of this Plan. Such infill developments will be subject to a Local Area Plan, where the scale of a proposed infill development is significant relative to the size of the existing area and the number of existing residential units.
The Draft County Development Plan sets out a coherent spatial planning framework for the entire County within the context of national and regional policies. The core strategic aim of the Plan is to promote a more consolidated and compact urban form for the County which are outlined in a number of strategic aims including the promotion of infill development and the concentration of higher density development in areas with good public transport links. However, acceptable development is predicated on proper planning and sustainable development of the area and the concept of protecting the established character of the area is articulated in bullet point 5 of the strategy for housing in Section 1.2.12 of the Plan and also all development proposals must demonstrate compliance with the criteria set out in Section 1.4: Sustainable Neighbourhoods.
The core principles of the Irish planning system are based on the common good and sustainable development, which are underpinned by the strength of local democracy, public participation and third party involvement in the planning system including in the making of a Development Plan and the decision making process in relation in relation to a planning application. It is considered that the strength of the policies contained in the Draft Development Plan are such that proposals for infill development must demonstrate compliance with the concept of Sustainable Neighbourhoods and protection of the existing character of the area and this, in tandem with the open and transparent planning system outlined above, means that the use of the Local Area Plan process for infill development is not appropriate.
Manager’s Recommendation:
The proposed motion should not be adopted.