south dublin county council crest


Tuesday, September 01, 2009


MOTION: Councillor W. Lavelle

To amend Policy T5 on ‘Luas and Light Rail Transit Extensions’ to replace the first sentence of the policy as follows: “It is the policy of the Council to promote and facilitate the extension of Luas to serve the Lucan area initially along the preferred route identified by the Rail Procurement Agency and to work with the Agency to seek a further extension of this preferred route from its current proposed terminus at Newcastle Road to Lucan Village.” And furthermore to replace the reference in section 3.3.19.i to the ’Dublin Transport Office’s proposals’ with reference to the ‘Rail Procurement Agency’s proposals’.


Policy T5: Luas and Light Rail Transit (LRT) Extension states:

“It is the policy of the Council to promote and facilitate the extension of Luas to serve the Lucan area as proposed in the Dublin Transportation Office (DTO) transportation strategy.”

It is recommended that the proposed amendment be revised to provide for consideration of other options in addition to that proposed in the amendment having regard to the context of a declining population in Lucan Village with little or no potential for future growth, and a growing population with significant capacity for growth in the Adamstown area.

 With regard to the proposed amendment to Section 3.3.19.i, the section states

“It is an objective to strengthen and consolidate the Lucan Environs to encourage legibility, permeability and other urban design principles to bring about sustainable neighbourhoods conducive to walking and cycling. To address the issue of underdevelopment and lack of cohesiveness in the suburban area and to promote and facilitate the Dublin Transportation Office’s proposals, including the Luas (Light Rail Transit) system, Quality Bus Corridors and traffic calming/ management.” It is considered that the proposed amendment would not be appropriate as the DTO proposals relate to additional matters and not solely to Luas.


That Policy T5 be amended to read:

“It is the policy of the Council to promote and facilitate the extension of Luas to serve the Lucan area initially along the preferred route identified by the Railway Procurement Agency and to work with the Agency to seek further extensions of this preferred route from its current proposed terminus at Newcastle Road to Lucan Village and Adamstown.”

 That Section 3.3.19.i be retained as proposed in the draft written statement.