Monday, July 13, 2009
QUESTION: Councillor E. Tuffy
To ask the Manager if he will make a report on the Council's programme of grass cutting in the current season, including (1) cutting of grass and maintenance of open spaces within housing estates which have been taken in charge, (2)cutting of grass and maintenance of open spaces within and at the entrance of estates where the developers are co-operating with the Council on preparing for taking in charge and where the developers have responsibility for grass cutting, (3) cutting of grass verges and central medians on public roads within the county, and (4) cutting of grass and maintenance in cemeteries in the County?
Grass cutting and maintenance of open spaces within housing estates which have been taken in charge by the Council.
Open spaces not yet in the charge of the Council
2. Open spaces that are not in the charge of the Council are required to be maintained by the developer of the housing area until such time as the developer has completed landscape work to the satisfaction of the Council. Where maintenance is not to the standard that would be acceptable to the residents or the Council, the Council in such cases makes contact with the developer to have the standard improved on. The Council will not take estates in charge where the developer has not fulfilled all of the planning conditions in relation to the landscape plan. There are a considerable number of these areas throughout the County and in these cases the Council makes every effort to pursue both the completion of the landscape plan and the continuing maintenance of the open spaces.
Maintenance of landscaped areas on public roads
3. The maintenance of grass verges and central medians on public roads are now subject to Health & Safety considerations that did not previously apply. The Health & Safety considerations have necessitated the training of Council staff involving Signing Lighting and Guarding of the work area while maintenance work is taking place. In the case of dual carriageways and major roads additional specialized training is needed to comply with Health & Safety requirements and trainers are being sought at present to provide this training. Limited work has now commenced on the verges and medians of the major public roads and it is expected this work will be completed by week ending Saturday 11th July 2009.
Burial Grounds
4. In previous years South Dublin County Council has employed a number of temporary summer staff to assist in the maintenance of the Councils Burial Grounds throughout the summer months. As a result of the reduction in available financial & staff resources the Council has been unable to maintain the burial grounds to the high standard achieved in previous years. However burial ground maintenance has been scheduled across all burial grounds to reflect the annual programme of graveyard masses.