south dublin county council crest


Monday, July 13, 2009


QUESTION: Councillor R. Dowds

To ask the Manager to provide figures and locations for vacant private housing and apartments within our County and to comment on how such accommodation could be brought on stream for people in need of a home?


South Dublin County Council does not have exact figures on vacant private housing and apartments within the County. The Spatial Data Team are endeavouring to collect such information on behalf of the Council. If any additional housing were to be acquired by the Council, additional funding would be required for the acquisitition, or leasing, of the properties. In the current economic climate the chances of receiving extra funding from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government is unlikely.

As regards Affordable Housing South Dublin County Council currently has 179 homes available for sale.  97 of the homes are in the ownership of South Dublin County Council and  the remaining 82 are being sold directly to eligible applicants by the developer through the direct sales process.Because of the current economic conditions,falling house prices on the open market,difficulties sourcing mortgage finance,both the Council and developers are encountering challenges  in selling the affordable homes. At present there are 2012 approved applicants for affordable housing on our list.

While this Council has been in discussions with the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in relation to the foregoing issue, the Affordable Homes Partnership has co-ordinated the position nationally on unsold homes on behalf of the Department of the Environment , Heritage and Local Government.  The matter is of concern for a number of local authorities nationally and is under review. A number of options  such as

are currently being examined by this local authority and other local authorities together with the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government  in order to reach a satisfactory solution.

In developments where the price of the homes remains affordable when compared to the current market price, our  marketing strategy is being reviewed in an effort to sell the current stock.  However, this Council is conscious of the fact that the eligible applicants  have to be  provided with a home that  is reasonably priced, affordable and suitable to their needs.

The available affordable homes are located as follows

                                                                                  SDCC Owned                           Direct Sales, (by Developer)

Rathfarnham                                                              0                                                      22             

Lucan /Clondalkin                                                    65                                                   55

Tallaght                                                                     32                                                      5

Totals                                                                        97                                                      82