south dublin county council crest


Friday, May 15, 2009


QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor, TD

To ask the Manager to confirm initiatives being taken to deal with the problem of Anti-Social  Behaviour in Tallaght West Estates.


The Council through Community Services and Housing Departments in particular has established strong links with local communities in West Tallaght and this is very important in combating vandalism and anti-social activity. This is re-enforced through the active participation with the local communities in the Community Safety Initiative of Tallaght West CDI programme.

Extensive pro-social behaviour improvement works have also been carried out through the Rapid Programme e.g. the installation of MUGAS,Playgrounds,etc which have proved to be an important focus for young people in West Tallaght who wish to engage in pro-social activity. Open space areas are also maintained to a high standard in West Tallaght and any damage caused through vandalism is repaired promptly to ensure the physical appearance of estates is not allowed to deteriorate. The Tallaght Leisure Centre – TLC – and the new Brookfield Youth and Family Community Centre together with all of the existing Community Centres also run numerous pro social behaviour programmes which compliment a large number of other programmes to combat Anti-social behaviour.

The Council’s Housing Estate Management Team continues to work in partnership with other agencies to respond to and deal proactively with incidents of anti social behaviour throughout the county.  All enforcement powers available to the Council are fully employed in dealing with anti social activity.  


The Housing Estate Management Team continues to work with the Gardai through close liaison in combating anti social activity at a number of levels including the following:

 Ø     Joint Policing Committee

Ø      Dublin Bus Community Fora

Ø      Housing Clinics

Ø      Community Liaison Meetings

Ø      Case Conferences

Ø      Regular meetings with Drug Squad and Community Gardai

Ø      Support of Gardai in interviewing anti social tenants

Ø      Community organized events e.g. Community Bonfires Family Days, Family/Youth Sports Events, Estate clean ups etc.

Community Liaison Meetings

Community Liaison Committees comprise of community representatives, the Gardai, Mediation Service and various representatives of the Council. The purpose of these committees is to ensure an integrated response to local service delivery. The Liaison Committee Initiative was established in 2007 with McUilliam and Daletree and is being extended to include Cushlawn Estate. Meetings are held monthly.

In 2008 an enforcement initiative was carried out in McUilliam Estate. The purpose of the initiative was to target the perpetrators of anti-social activity, to monitor occupancy of the rented housing stock, to check the maintenance condition of the houses and gardens, to address illegal dumping and littering. The initiative was carried out on an inter-agency basis and supported by local Gardai. Every household was visited by the Council’s Estate Management Team for the purpose of inviting expressions of interest in becoming involved in a representative Residents’ Group for the estate. Work in this area is continuing and links have been made with other agencies of developing this project.

Elimination of anti social black spots.

 Work is ongoing regarding the elimination of anti-social black spots including such works as deemed necessary and as resources are available:

 Ø      Re-enforcement of walls

Ø      Installation of railings

Ø      Elimination of laneways

Ø      Additional lighting within estates

Ø      Stub wall construction

Ø      Installation of anti-vandal mechanisms

Ø      Re-instatement of areas

Ø      Removal of areas prone to dumping

Ø      Landscaping, design and development

Ø      Ground cover redevelopment

Ø      Footpath extension

Ø      Enhancement of entrance areas (improve access)

Ø      Improvements through Painting programmes

Ø      Boundary treatments and fencing Improvements.

Staff Training

The Council’s Housing Estate Management Team continues to up skill itself in the interest of delivery of an effective housing estate management service which includes responding to incidents of anti-social behaviour. Examples of current training initiatives include Coaching/Copping On training which is being delivered by the West Tallaght Childhood Development Initiative. An important element of this training relates to best practice for interacting with children and young people which is particularly relevant for Estate Management staff.

 Tenancy Training:

21 courses have been conducted in 2008 with a further 4 to date in 2009. This course is now compulsory for all applicants for newly built homes. The format of the pre-tenancy training was revised in 2008 for the purpose of nurturing the concept of community development, capacity building and active citizenship and civic responsibility from the outset. Prospective tenants participating in the training are made aware of the valuable resource available through the Connect website.  The focus of the tenancy training seminars is on providing an introduction to South Dublin, to promoting the benefits of living in the County and to creating awareness of what the local community has to offer. Other relevant agencies are also involved in the training including MABS, Gardai, TWCDI, Bernardos and HSE.

The Council is further developing a post-tenancy training after 6 – 8 weeks following the taking up of a new tenancy which will be introduced shortly and will involve all of the above agencies to assist the tenants into their new homes and community. 

The Council has engaged Nurture Development Ltd. to provide training for staff and local residents in community capacity building – Asset Based Community Development. This programme utilizes innovative approaches which have been developed in the United States and which use assets which are freely available in the community.


A subgroup of the Housing and Social Strategic Policy Committee was established for the purpose of reviewing the Anti Social Behaviour Strategy document which was adopted by the Members in 2005.  The Council’s Tenancy Agreement together with the Scheme of Letting Priorities, which was adopted by the Members and approved by the DoEHLG in 2006, will be also form part of the overall review.  The purpose of the review is to strengthen the enforcement powers available to the Housing Authority having regard to the changing profile of our local communities, of the social housing market.

As agreed with the sub-group strong liaisons will be further developed with the Gardai through active participation and co-operation with community pro – social driven programmes.