south dublin county council crest


Monday, May 11, 2009




a) Arts, Culture, Gaeilge. Education and Libraries Strategic Policy Committee


Members Officials Apologies
Cllr. J. Hannon                                                         P. Smith, Director Cllr  C Keane
Cllr. G. O’Connell                                                 W. Sheils, Senior Executive Officer Cllr  J Lahart
Cllr. S. O’Conchuir                                                 I.Stobbart, County Librarian Cllr  T. Delany
Cllr. T. McDermott                                                  R. McAree, Public Art Co-ordinator E. Smart
Cllr C Jones   A Fitzpatrick
Cllr. J. Neville                                                                                                      
Cllr M  Ardagh    
B Bollard    
J Fay    

An Cathaoirleach Cllr. J. Hannon presided

  1. Minutes of meeting of 23rd November 2008 – Proposed by Cllr. O’Connell and seconded by Cllr. Jones and agreed.
  1. Libraries Update:

Ian Stobbart, County Librarian presented an update on the County Library  which included a Statistical Review of 2008 and other initiatives including Family Learning Initiatives, Cultural Linkage projects, and also outlined some Innovation and Change initiatives including the introduction of Online Registration, the Digitisation of Local Studies Material and a Digital Book Service.

The Statistical Review included the following:

Visitors (actual and virtual) increased from 981,720 in 2007 to 1,169.956 in 2008, an increase of 19%;

Issues increased from 950,244 in 2007 to 1,073,424 in 2008, an increase of 13%;

Internet Sessions increased from 66,256 in 2007 to 150,553 in 2008, an increase of 126%.

Following a general debate to which Cllrs. Hannon, O’Connell, Jones, Neville, Ardagh and O’Conchuir contributed, the work of the libraries was praised and Mr. Stobbart was congratulated on Libraries winning both the Local Government e-Government Award as well as the Overall e-Government award earlier this month.

The report was noted

  1. RED County Arts centre update

W. Sheils presented a report and update on RED the County Arts Centre.

Following a debate to which Cllr. Jones, Cllr. O’Connell, Cllr. Hannon, B. Bollard and J. Fay contributed dealing with issues such as tours of the building, opening hours, the name, access for older people and other matters, W.Sheils responded, and the report was noted.

  1. Audit of arts facilities

P.Smith reported and the report on the Arts facilities audit was noted following discussion.

  1. 2009 – Year of Creativity and Innovation

 Ms. R. McAree,  the Public Arts Programme Co-ordinator made a presentation to the members on the theme of Creativity and Innovation insofar as it relates to the In Context 3 Percentage for Arts programme, and the Arts Programme in general.

The members congratulated Ms. McAree on her presentation and the report was noted.

  1. Active Citizenship

W. Sheils delivered a presentation to the members on the theme of Active Citizenship, outlining the background to the Taskforce report, and how the Council proposes to address the issues raised in the report.

Following a debate to which Cllr. M. Ardagh, Cllr. G.O’Connell, Cllr. J.Hannon, B. Bollard and J. Fay contributed, mentioning the need to develop a civic awareness programme to  ensure professional support for  volunteers, and the idea of launching an Active Citizen Programme, the report was noted.

  1. Farmers’ Market –Update

W. Sheils presented a report to the members on the Farmers’ Market. The report outlined the background to the Market established in High Street Tallaght in Spring 2007, and which ceased trading around Christmas the same year.

Some factors which mitigated against the success of the market were mentioned, and in the meanwhile a new site for the market has been identified at Chamber Square, between the Civic Theatre and the County Library. Discussions are ongoing in this matter with a view to re-establishing the market in the near future. It is anticipated that the new location may overcome the difficulties which brought the market to a halt previously.

Cllr. J. Hannon, Cllr. Cllr. C. Jones, Cllr. S. O’Conchuir, and Mr. J.Fay all contributed to the debate, welcoming the proposed re-establishment of the market, while W. Sheils responded, and the report was noted.

  1. A.O.B.

There was no other business