south dublin county council crest


Monday, May 11, 2009


MOTION: Councillor P. Cosgrave

That this Council review the way it charges rates on registered small playgroups who work from their homes, in that they charge the same as large crèches. Also could the rate be also reviewed on the downward trend in house valuations?


Commercial rates bills are computed by multi-plying the valuation of a ratepayer’s property with the Annual Rate on Valuation (ARV) as adopted by the Council during the annual budget process. The valuation is provided by the Valuation Office which is the state agency charged with deciding valuations for non-domestic property.  Valuations do not represent market values for the property but are a means by which the commercial rates values of properties can be compared. A number of factors are taken into account by the valuation office when computing valuations including size, location, commercial category and the rental value of the property at a specified date.  This approach was developed to protect property valuations from the effects of inflation or deflation and to ensure that a uniform framework is applied when valuing properties.  The Valuation Office acts independently and liaises with property owners and occupiers when providing such valuations.  Once the annual budget and ARV are adopted the Council is not empowered to vary the commercial rates bill for an individual or for a category of ratepayer.  It is important also to note that if a source of income such as commercial rates reduces after the budget is adopted then corresponding expenditure savings are immediately necessary in order to prevent the Council from incurring a deficit.

A review of the valuation for all non-domestic properties in the South Dublin rating area was carried out during 2006/2007. The new valuations for each property became effective on 31st December 2007 and affected commercial rates bills in 2008.   As part of the revaluation process ratepayers had a right of appeal to the Commissioner of Valuations within forty days of issue of the final valuation certificate in respect of their property.  If unhappy with the Commissioners decision, appellants had a further right of appeal to the Valuation Tribunal.  The Tribunal is an independent body set up to settle disputed valuations between the Commissioner of Valuation and ratepayers or local authorities.  The decision of the Valuation Tribunal is final on the amount of the valuation but there is a further right of appeal to the High Court and ultimately to the Supreme Court on a point of law.  Following the revaluation of the county the rateable valuation of a property will be revised only if there is material change to the property e.g. an extension or reduction in the size of the property. A revision request form is available online at and should be completed and returned to the Valuation Office if this situation applies.  Additional information is also available from the Valuation Office website at

Commercial rates represent 43% of the Council’s revenue account income for 2009.  The operations of the Council are significantly supported by the revenue generated from commercial rates and any changes affecting this source of income will have a corresponding effect on the level of funds available to provide services.

Included in the commercial rates bills for 2009 were 102 accounts for crèche facilities - categorised by the Valuation Office as crèche (house), crèche (office), crèche (other), crèche (purpose built) and crèche (retail). 

The total commercial rates income from crèches in 2009 is €572,029 and is broken down as follows:

Number of accounts Crèche Category % of 2009 crèche rates Total Rates Charge 2009 Average Rates per A/c in this Category
59 Crèche (House) Total 29% €168,406   €2,854
12 Crèche (Office) Total 16% €91,553   €7,629
8 Crèche (Other) Total 9% €50,286   €6,286
7 Crèche (Retail) Total 9% €51,450   €7,350
16 Crèche (Purpose Built) Total 37% €210,333   €13,146