Wednesday, April 29, 2009
SDCSP/ SDCC Strategic Plan Update
April 2009
South Dublin County Sports Partnership, in partnership with South Dublin County Council (Sports Office) advertised in the national media (Irish Independent) for expressions of interest for the development of a county sports and recreation strategy for South Dublin County for the period 2010-2016. Following the advertisement 6 expressions were received. It was decided that all applicants were of a high calibre and subsequently all were invited to submit a tender for the project.
Following the submission of tenders (5 were received) the Strategic Planning Sub Committee of the SDCSP (which includes representation from the SDCC) met to review them and agree on a preferred choice. Following this meeting the sub committee approved the appointment of One to One Solutions as facilitator to carry out the task. The process has already started with an initial meeting held with the facilitator and a meeting planned with the full Board of the SDCSP on Thurs April 30th. The cost of the facilitation process is €15,000 and design, print and launch of the plan will cost approx. another €5-7,000. SDCSP & SDCC Sports Office are carrying these costs equally.
The Strategic Planning Sub Committee includes the following;
John Doyle, Dodder Valley Partnership
Cecil Johnston, CPLN
Sarah O Connor, CEO, Federation of Irish Sports
Elizabeth Lynch, Special Olympics Ireland
Alison Silke, Sports Officer SDCC is currently on maternity leave and is being covered by Andrea Gill
Paula Swayne, Play Officer SDCC is also on maternity leave until the Autumn.
It is hoped therefore to bring on another representative from SDCC and an approach has been made to the Planning Dept. to provide a representative as the Sports & Recreation Strategy will be encompassed in the overall Development plan 2010-2016 currently being developed.
For a detailed outline of the tender including information on the project aims and proposed actions including internal and external consultations, timeframes etc please contact Thos Mc Dermott, SDCSP Co-ordinator 086 0441071
About One to One Solutions:
Sharon Foley is the Managing Director of One to One Solutions. Sharon has worked as the CEO of the Crisis Pregnancy Agency and as Regional Health Promotion Director with the health Services. Previous experience involved working with socially excluded groups, County Development Boards & community based partnerships. She holds an MA in health promotion, an MSc in research and a certificate in change management.