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Tuesday, April 07, 2009


 Draft Climate Change Strategy

Following on from a publicly advertised consutation process, the draft strategy document was placed on display with submissions being accepted until Wednesday the 25th March 2009. As part of the consultation process, an open day for all interested bodies and individuals who wished to make oral representations on the draft strategy was held in the County Hall on Monday 9th March 2009, 10am-1pm and 3pm-5pm. The draft strategy was also brought to all three Area Committees. In addition to the inclusion of comments noted at the Area Committee meetings, a total of 3 submission were received. At a Special Environment Strategic Policy Committee a report on the submissions received was presented and discussed and possible variations/amendments to the draft strategy were discussed.

The Environment SPC Members agreed that the following changes/additions should be made to the draft document -

  1. The Irish situation - references to the Irish environment to be updated
  2. Adaptation - a section outlining the Council's commitment to to requirement to adapt and to identify adaptation measures as soon  as the context of a National Adaptation Strategy is available.
  3. Agriculture - a section stating the Council's support for climate change measures being taken within the agricultural sector in South Dublin County
  4. Flora and Fauna - more prominence to be given to the significance of flora and fauna both in terms of impact but also research into climate change
  5. Emissions trading - a statement defining and identifying emissions trading as a mechanism for climate change control and identifying the major industries where this mechanism is relevant in the county.
  6. Awareness - the Council's commitment to raising awareness of Climate Change generally and the Strategy particularly throught the Council's Environmental Awareness Programmes.

These parts are being drafted and will be included in the final draft document that will be presented to the full County Council. The Environment SPC agreed that the Strategy, with the changes listed above, should be submitted to the next County Council meeting (being May 2009) with their recommendation to the council that the Strategy be adopted. 

Draft Climate Change Strategy - Report on Submissions

Original Draft Climate Change Strategy