Monday, April 06, 2009
QUESTION: Councillor S. Crowe
To ask the Manager if can give an updated report regarding the ongoing problems regarding the issuing of a lease /licence to groups in Community based Centres throughout the County, if a full list has now been drawn up, what groups, if any, have been issued a lease /licence since a motion was passed by this Council, if has he been in communication with all the groups involved,and can he outline in the report what new procedures or additional resources or measures he has taken to resolve this lengthy delay?
Following recent report to Council regarding the issue of leases/licences to Community Projects, work has been ongoing in progressing matters in this area.
Attached below is a summary schedule outlining current position. There has been a particular emphasis as requested by the members to ensure that any outstanding monies to Community Groups are made available to them as quickly as possible.
In this regard, the requirements of the relevant funding agencies are being examined in conjunction with the Groups/Organisations concerned as in some cases, the grant of a lease or licence in itself is not sufficient for this purpose and a Deed of Charge or Deed of Undertaking may be required from the Council, as landowner.
There are a variety of matters to be progressed in the case of some of the facilities; some of these require a legal procedure, some require a response from another body, and some are being handled by the Council itself.
The Council’s Community Department arranged a special seminar which the management of all the community facilities were invited to attend. This seminar afforded them the opportunity to voice their concerns and grievances on issues such as leases/ licences, as well as articulating and sharing what particular activities they are providing that are working well; in addition, it was proposed to set up a network of community facilities to allow the management of the facilities to contact their peers and share problems and possible solutions. It is expected that this will also facilitate a consistency of approach in the provision of community facilities and will help to disseminate good ideas as well as to combine resources where appropriate, and to make the optimum use of the facilities provided.
Every effort is being made by the Council to prioritise the work involved in this case and members will be kept updated on progress.
Subject: Community Licence/Leases.
HSE Solicitors require a Deed of charge for the building of the CARP Centre which is on Council owned land. Documentation awaited from HSE’s Solicitor.
The full grant aid has been paid to CARP by the HSE.
HSE Solicitors require a Deed of charge for the building of the JADD Centre which is on Council owned land. Documentation awaited from HSE’s Solicitor.
No monies outstanding to JADD.
St Aengus Community Action Group
HSE Solicitors require a Deed of charge for the building of a Centre which is on Council owned land. Recent request from HSE –Documentation will require to be submitted by HSE’s Solicitor.
The full grant aid has been paid to the group by the HSE.
St. Dominic's Community Response Project
A draft Management License has been issued to the group and the Community Department is waiting for a response.
No monies outstanding
St Mary’s Boxing Club
Terms issued for grant of a Management License - No response from Boxing Club.
No monies outstanding
Jobstown Childcare
The Lease has been being processed and signed by the Childcare Committee.
No monies outstanding
Brookfield Crèche
A lease has been given to The Shanty Education Project Ltd to manage the Childcare facility in Brookfield.
Creche recently opened for business.
Killinarden Community Centre
Funding (€100,000) approved by Pobal for construction of Centre extension - €90,000 paid to date and extension completed.
Follow up being undertaken with Pobal regarding their correspondence of 3rd Mar.’09 to Killinarden Community Council relating to drawdown of balance of funding. Every effort will be made to resolve remaining matters.
€100,000 also approved by Dept of Arts, Sports & Tourism for upgrading of all-weather pitch – correspondence recently received from Dept. requesting documentation to release funding and follow up as necessary being arranged by both Community Centre and Council – no difficulties are anticipated.
An Cosan
Revised lease issued to the Project’s Solicitors on 4/12/08 – response received 30-3-09- further queries raised.
Fettercairn Community Centre
€250,000 approved by Dept. of Arts, Sport & Tourism in respect of extension to Community Centre. Extension completed. Correspondence from Dept. requesting documentation including Deed of Covenant & Charge to enable Council to draw down funds.
No monies outstanding to Centre.
Kilnamanagh AFC –All weather pitches at Treepark Road
Deed of Covenant and Charge entered into between Council and Minister for Arts Sport and Tourism to facilitate draw down of grant monies by Club –Building Licence issued and works underway.
Tallaght Athletic Club & St. Maelruan’s FC
Council commissioned the construction of the Clubhouses for above Clubs as part of consideration for sale of an adjoining site. Management Licences to be issued to Clubs. No monies outstanding to Clubs in respect of these facilities.
St. Colmcille’s Way, Knocklyon- Dressing room facility
Deed of Covenant and Charge entered into between Council and Minister for Arts Sport and Tourism to facilitate draw down of grant monies by Club – Club in occupation -Management Licence to be issued to regularize use of facility.
Council not aware if any monies outstanding to Club.
Perrystown/Manor Estate Community Centre, Limekiln Lane
Manortown UTD & Robert Emmett GAA Club propose to refurbish/extend existing centre which is subject of Management Licence to Perrystown & Manor Combined Residents Association. The Council as landowner has agreed to enter into a Deed of Covenant and Charge with Minister for Arts Sport and Tourism to facilitate draw down of grant monies by Clubs. Final draft of Deed has recently been forwarded to Chief State Solicitor's Office for approval and completion.
Neilstown Boxing Club
Part 8 Approved and tender documentation for project under preparation.Subject to ongoing review of draft Capital Programme and identification of necessary funding for project. The Department of Arts Sport & Tourism will require a Deed of Covenant and Charge before approved grant money can be drawn down.
Griffeen Centre Lucan
Castlethorn Construction as a planning requirement is awaiting agreement to their proposed draft lease. Law Dept currently preparing response to issues raised..
Mill Lane, Palmerstown - Palmerstown Rangers Pavilion
Terms for lease approved by Council in 1997 – The Club has indicated that they are not in position to deliver on the original terms and are seeking revised terms.
Glenaulin Park, Palmerstown Utd- Site for Clubhouse
Terms for lease approved by Council. Agreement reached between Club and adjoining St.Patrick's GAA Club to share car-park constructed on Council land by the GAA Club. Building Licence issued and work commenced on site in Feb’09. Deed of Covenant and Charge being entered into between Council and Minister for Arts Sport and Tourism to facilitate draw down of grant monies by Club. Deed forwarded to Chief State Solicitor's Office in Feb '09 for completion.
Gaels Field, Ballyfermot – Ballyfermot De La Salle GAA Club -Dressingroom facility
Terms agreed for Management Licence Jan 09. Mapping & Legal formalities to be finalised.
Ballyowen Park South Dublin Football League - site for all weather pitch
Planning permission granted December 08.Terms to be agreed for lease and Deed of Charge & Covenant to be entered into between Council and Minister for Arts Sport and Tourism to facilitate draw down of grant momies by Club.Meeting held with Reps of Club 27/03/'09 to agree next steps.