south dublin county council crest


Monday, April 06, 2009


MOTION: Councillor C. King

That this Council calls on the Manager to investigate the feasibilty of transferring any affordable homes currently in possession of the Council that cannot be sold in the current climate (i.e. certain section 23 apartments) to either direct social stock or RAS stock with a view to a fast track solution to help reduce the growing SDCC housing list.


South Dublin County Council currently has 227 affordable homes available for sale. 89 of the homes are in the ownership of South Dublin County Council and the remaining 138 are being sold directly to eligible applicants by the developer through the direct sales process. Because of the current economic conditions, falling house prices on the open market, difficulties sourcing mortgage finance, both the Council  and developers are encountering challenges in selling the affordable homes .  At present there are 2459 approved applicants for Affordable Housing on our list.

While this Council has been in discussions with the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in relation to the foregoing issue, the  Affordable Homes Partnership has co-ordinated  the position  nationally on unsold affordable homes on behalf of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government .  Should the Council  transfer the stock of  Affordable Homes to social homes  in areas where it is appropriate, the funding would have to be forthcoming from the Department of the Environment and this is a matter of concern for local authorities nationally and is under review.  Many options have been considered and examined by this local authority and other local authorities together with the Affordable Homes partnership and the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government  in order to reach a satisfactory solution.

It is understood that all local authorities are to be sent a circular from the Government soon outlining a new sales strategy aimed at releasing affordable homes where local authorities are currently experiencing difficulties. The circular from the Department of the Environment will ask local authorities to review their current policies regarding social and affordable housing, and will be accompanied by a Sales Strategy prepared by the Affordable Homes Partnership (AHP).

City and county councils will be asked to identify and focus their efforts on properties that are most likely to sell, with alternative options to be considered for all properties, including:

Selling them at market value on the open market.

Temporarily transferring affordable properties to the Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS).

Selling the houses to local authority tenants under the Incremental Purchase Scheme.

Or temporarily using the affordable properties as social housing support under appropriate leasing arrangements.

The Council awaits the issuing of the circular and will inform the members accordingly.