south dublin county council crest


Monday, March 16, 2009


MOTION: Councillor S. Crowe

This Committee agreee to call on the Manager in view of the visible build of  stones and rubble on the old Belgard Road and the obvious dangerous implications for pedestrians and other road users that appears to be coming  from lorries leaving Roadstone and asks him to liaise with other Departments and Agencies with a view  to

A) Get the Environments litter warden to carry out spot  checks in this general area

B) Ask the Garda Authorities to monitor overladen truck loads and speeds in the general area 

C) Investigate measures that can be taken to discourage heavy trucks using this road as a rat run. 

D) Carry out a more regular road sweeping operation in the area particularly near the Community Centre

E) Write to Roadstone asking them to take action against drivers and look for financial support for the clean up bill till the situation is resolved.

F) Carry out an investigation using camera and other surveillances devices to monitor the offending trucks using this particular road.

G) Agree to list this as a headed item


The Anti-Litter Warden for the area reports that he has inspected the area and ascertained that there is a problem with material spilling from trucks at the location referred.  Further investigation will be undertaken to determine which vehicles are causing the problem and enforcement under section 4 (1) of the Litter Pollution Act or under the Roads Act will be pursued as appropriate once this is determined.

Rather than altering existing roadsweeping schedules, it is preferable that the appropriate persons causing these issues are pursued to address the problem and the enforcement action will incorporate this.

The Roads Department report that it is not possible to apply a weight restriction on this road as Roadstone have an entitlement to access this road over a long period of time as their main access and egress to the south of the county from their Quarry. Businesses requiring access to the quarry could not be refused access by such a restriction either. 

The issue of the laden weight of the vehicles is a Garda matter and has been referred to An Garda Siochana for investigation.