Monday, March 09, 2009
QUESTION: Councillor E. Tuffy
To ask the Manager for an updated report on the production of a County Heritage Plan?
Update Report on the County Heritage Forum
The public consultation period for the South Dublin Heritage Plan was held between mid July and mid September 2008. It involved 5 evening public meetings and resulted in 37 written submissions being received.
The Heritage Forum was established in July 2008 and met on 15th July and 24th September 2008. The membership stands at 24 individuals, representing a broad range of stakeholders. Membership from within the Council includes elected members (x3), council staff from Planning, Parks, Community Services, Arts, Library, the Heritage officer, the Conservation Officer and the Tourism Executive.
Heritage Forum Members from outside the Council include representatives from DoEHLG (Archaeologist and Wildlife Conservation Ranger), Waterways Ireland, Eastern Regional Fisheries Board, Tree Council of Ireland, BirdWatch Ireland, South Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Baldonnel Military Museum, Rural Development Programme, and Coillte. Two local historians and an independent archaeologist are also participating on the Forum.
To facilitate the efficient assessment of public submissions and to assist in the determination of proposed objectives and actions that will form the basis of a draft Heritage Plan, 5 smaller working groups were established in November 2008. These working groups also offer the opportunity for other individuals and groups in the County to participate in the process while also bringing additional experience and expertise to the table. These groups have been focusing on the heritage-related topics of archaeology, architecture, natural environment, cultural heritage, and education. In total, the membership of the 5 working groups stands at 35, comprising Heritage Forum members and other individuals with heritage expertise.
Each working group met 3 times prior to the end of December 2008, during which time proposed Heritage Plan objectives and actions were drafted for each group. On 19th February 2009, the Heritage Officer presented an amalgamated working draft of the Heritage Plan to a joint meeting of the Heritage Forum and all five working groups for discussion and agreement. A further joint meeting is scheduled for 5th March to progress discussion and agreement on the remainder draft objectives and actions.
It is expected that the draft Heritage Plan will be agreed by the Heritage Forum by the end of March 2009 and that this draft will be ready for presentation to Council in April 2009 for discussion.