south dublin county council crest


Tuesday, February 03, 2009


MOTION: Councillor C. Brophy

"That the Manager outline how the Council arrived at a decision to move bollards on Springfield and its junction with Springfield Road as part of the granting of a planning permission.  In relation to this can the Manager outline the Councils position in relation to road safety and planning applications which will increase the danger to both pedestrians and other road users."


The details are contained in the planning report on planning application ref no. SD08A/0586. The description of development included the following phrase:

“The development would require the relocation of existing Council traffic bollards 17m southwards. “

The Roads Department had no objections. Under the heading of ‘Parking/Traffic implications the planning report states: 

“The applicant has indicated the re-location of bollards further down the laneway towards Springfield Avenue. The Roads Department have no objections to this proposal. As the lands, however, are not in control of the applicant, a legal undertaking is required that the applicants will carry out the works at their own expense and make good the pathway following relocation of the bollards.” 

As part of a further information request the applicant was requested as follows: 

“1. With regards to the proposed relocation of the existing bollards on  Springfield Road to facilitate the vehicular entrances, the applicant is requested to submit details of a legally binding undertaking to carry out these works at their own expense and to make good the pathway and road upon completion.” 

A letter was submitted from Frost and Co. Solicitors dated 6th November 2008, stating that the applicants will undertake to relocate the existing bollards and make good the pathway at their own expense. This was considered satisfactory and the Roads Department had no objection.  

Condition 2 of the planning permission requires:

“2. The road improvement works, detailed in Drawing No. 2559 P1 A1 submitted on the 27th November 2008, shall be carried out in its entirety and to the technical standards of the Planning Authority at the applicants/developers own expense, prior to the occupation of the dwellings.

Reason: In the interests of traffic safety.” 

The Councils position when assessing planning applications is to ensure the safety of pedestrians and other road users.