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Monday, January 19, 2009


Minutes of Workshop to discuss the Draft  policy  on Part V of the Planning

& Development Act 2000 ---2006 (as amended)

It was agreed on 14/02/2008 at a joint meeting of the members of the Housing & Social SPC and the Economic Development ( incl. Planning) SPC to hold “ a joint workshop comprised of members of the SPC’S and officials and any other interested member of the Council “in order to discuss the draft policy document for Part V which was presented by the A/Director of Housing;

Following  the Housing & Social SPC meeting on 11/09/08, members were invited  to attend the workshop on Friday afternoon 26/09/08, in the Housing  Conference room 2nd floor of the extension;

The agenda at the Workshop was as follows;

  1. Presentation on the draft policy document for Part V by the A/Director of Housing
  2. Presentation re Part V from  the Irish Home Builders Association by the Senior Executive IHBA.
  3. Presentation re part V from the Affordable Homes Partnership by the Chief Executive of the AHP.
  4. General discussion on part v.


Councillors; Eamon Maloney, Cait Keane, Maire Ardagh, Sean Crowe, Dorothy Corrigan, Eamon Walsh,  Tony  McDermott, Robert Dowds

Mary Healy, Tallaght Homeless Advice,

John O Connor Chief Executive AHP, Noel O Connor ,Senior Executive IHBA, Frank Nevin, A/Director ,Housing Dept, Mary O Shaughnessy, S.E.O. Housing  Dept;

Draft Minutes of the Workshop


o           Frank Nevin presented the Draft Policy document on the Part V as presented previously to the Housing SPC on 15/11/2007 and to the joint meeting of the Housing & Social  SPC & the Economic Development (incl Planning) on 14/02/2008

o       Presentations were made by the Affordable Homes Partnership and the Irish Home Builders Association (circulated herewith).

·        General discussion took place to which the following Councillors contributed, Cllrs;Keane, Ardagh, Crowe,Walsh, Corrigan, Maloney, and Mary Healy; The matters raised were as follows,

·        is there a penalty for Local Authorities who do not perform,

·        info re land transfers as distinct from homes,

·        demand for affordable housing,

·        the  needs in different areas,

·        waiting time, 

·        concern in cases of separation and the ability of people to provide a home in such circumstances,

·        meeting the needs of people with disabilities,

·        the determination of the percentage requirement i.e up to 20%,

·        location of social and affordable housing within developments, 

·        type of homes  (consider the need from birth to death),

·        design of homes, who decides on the type of home ,( apartments versus houses)

·        Government standards,

·        give choice to applicants,

·        current economic climate,

·        concern of people about losing jobs,

·        dropping prices on the open market,

·        funding ,

·        Pre-Planning consultations,

·        Meaning of Direct Sales,

·        allocation procedures,

·        Voluntary Housing involvement;

o       Frank, John and Noel responded to the queries raised; Both the Affordable Homes Partnership and  Irish Home Builders Association acknowledged the successful and effective delivery of homes through the Part V process in South Dublin; The IHBA also acknowledged that their members were satisfied with the good working relationship between themselves and  S.D.C.C. in relation to the delivery of homes through the part v process;

o       The meeting ended;