Tuesday, January 13, 2009
MOTION: Councillor T. McDermott
"That this Committee request that the Manager extensively discuss with the local community proposals to restrict 24 hour access to Rathfarnham Castle grounds."
Staff of the Parks Department had a number of discussions in 2008 with the Rathfarnham Castle Residents Association, who represent residents of The Woodlands, The Lakelands, The Parklands & Castleside Drive regarding the restriction of access to the park outside of normal opening hours.
Arising from those discussions, the Parks Department agreed to a trial closure of a number of access points where gates are provided. Specifically, it was agreed with the RCRA to pilot the closure of the gates at Castleside Drive and The Woodlands at night time to gauge public response. The trial period commenced last autumn and the move generated considerable opposition from local residents who use these routes through the park as a ‘short cut’ to and from bus stops, shops, churches and other local amenities at various times during and outside of normal park opening hours. As a result of this opposition, the night-time closure was suspended in November.
There are also a number of entrances to the park where no gates are currently provided. The entrance at Rathfarnham Wood consists of an unlockable anti-cycle gate and in advance of any proposed alteration to this gate, the Rathfarnham Castle Residents Association have proposed to consult directly with the residents of Rathfarnham Wood and revert to the Parks Department. It is however understood that many of the residents of Rathfarnham Wood Estate have expressed opposition to any proposal to restrict access to the park at this entrance as it would result in inconvenience for local residents who also use the route through the park as a ‘short cut’ to and from bus stops, shops and the local church.
The boundary along Rathfarnham Road is under the control of the OPW and at present there are no gates making it difficult to impose any restriction on access to the grounds from this location. The Council is aware that the OPW are preparing proposals in respect of works to the castle which includes for new boundary treatment and pedestrian access along this boundary.
It has become clear that there are differing views in the locality in relation to access to the park outside of normal park opening hours. To advance the matter, arrangements will be made to further consult with the local community to establish how the varying requirements might be addressed.