south dublin county council crest


Monday, January 12, 2009


MOTION: Councillor T. McDermott

 That South Dublin County Council supports the introduction of by-laws or other measures which would ensure that circuses which use wild animals are prohibited from performing in any part of South Dublin County, in light of the well-documented evidence of suffering endured by the animals involved and the serious animal welfare issues raised.


The South Dublin County Council Development Plan, 2004 – 2010 sets out the policy in relation to circuses under Section 4.5.14 Policy SCR 27.

Circus sites have been provided on council lands for almost ten years, principally in the three Regional Parks – Tymon Park in Tallaght, Corkagh Park, Clondalkin and Griffeen Valley Park in Lucan. The sites are made available annually on the basis of an invitation to the industry for expressions of interest. In addition, Firhouse Community Centre have in recent years, and with the consent of the Council, provided a site for a circus. The Community Centre controls the operation of this site under the direction of the Council’s Community Department.

Arising from concerns expressed to the Parks & Landscape Services Department in 2005 regarding the use of wild animals such as lions, tigers and elephants in circuses, a review of the matter was undertaken. It was concluded that it was not appropriate for the council to host circuses, which made use of wild animals in their shows, on council lands. The prospectus for the sites was altered and in 2006 preference was given to circuses that did not make use of wild animals.

It is clear to the Council that the industry has responded to the requirements imposed in the expression of interest in relation the use of wild animals. Since 2006, the sites have only been awarded to circuses which do not make use of wild animals.

The companies now submitting expressions of interest for the sites on South Dublin County Council lands no longer contain acts using wild animals. This measure is considered to have dealt with the matter as far as council land is concerned and it is not considered necessary to introduce Bye-laws to further regulate circuses on South Dublin County Council property.

In addition to the sites on council lands, there are also a number of locations in the county in private ownership which are occasionally used by circuses by agreement with the landowner. The Council has no direct control over these sites and legal opinion will be sought to ascertain if the introduction of appropriate bye-laws can be considered in such cases.