Monday, January 19, 2009
HEADED ITEM: E. Services
Environmental Anti-litter/Anti-graffiti funding.
Description | Applicant’s contact details | Participants & Target Audience | Outcomes | Amount | |
1 | Residents against graffiti and litter | Chairperson of Kingswood Heights Residents Association, Forest Drive, Kingswood, Dublin 24. | Kingswood Heights Residents | Ongoing professional graffiti removal, more wall creepers, poster competition for schools, set up a graffiti art club. | €3,500.00 |
2 | Retain Reverse Vending Initiative and anti graffiti initiative | Estate Management Group, Killinarden Community Centre, Killinarden. Tallaght, Dublin 24 | Local residents and young people | Litter in area greatly reduced due to Reverse Vending Initiative, cans and plastic bottles being collected from parks, streets and fields. A token is awarded for each item recycled and tokens are exchanged for prizes. Also anti graffiti initiative to remove graffiti | €3,500.00 |
3 | Traveller anti-litter and graffiti campaign | Tallaght Traveller’s Youth Service, Unit 5 Brookfield Enterprise Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24, | Local Traveller Community | Education for young people in 4 halting sites, clean up, planting and graffiti removal, competition with prizes for best halting site | €6,200.00 |
4 | Bruscar the Tidy Giant | Garbo Productions, Garbo House, 8 Bushfield Green, Old Naas Road, D 22 | 14 shows for 1400 children senior infants and 1st Class | This play was specifically written to tackle South Dublin’s Anti-Litter message to young school children through the powerful medium of theatre. | €10,500.00 |
5 | Firhouse and Bohernabreena Community Services Network (FAB) tackiling litter and graffiti | Firhouse and Bohernabreena Community Services Network (FAB) | Local residents, schools, individuals, voluntary groups, agencies and young people in area | Monthly clean up including graffiti removal involving a large network of groups which is advertised and involves local schools. Children are rewarded. | €1,500.00 |
6 | Education and art | Youth Worker T.Y.S Garda Diversion Project, Kiltalown Estate Management Office, Kiltalown, Jobstown, D24 |
Residents of Jobstown and Tallaght | An visual arts project with focus on anti-graffiti and anti litter attitudes, voluntary participation of local young people, create 10 large scale contemporary pieces, use waste materials in the production, develop an awareness and understanding of the importance of community | €6,000.00 |
7 | West Tallaght Estates Environmental Awareness Project | Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, West Tallaght Area Council, Brookfield Enterprise Centre Tallaght, D24 |
Residents of Fettercairn – Drumcairn, Kilmartin and Kilcarrig Estates | A cleaner estate, awareness, the removal of graffiti, increased participation from the residents through Environmental Awareness Programme information sessions two hours once a week for 6 weeks. | €11,150.00 |
8 | Residents Association Anti Litter and Graffiti Initiative | St Aongus Environment Committee, St. Aongus Road, Tymon North, Tallaght, Dublin 24 | Residents and youth of St. Aongus Estate | A cleaner estate through the removal of graffiti and litter. | €1,000.00 |
9 | Car Tidis Anti Litter Initiative | South Dublin County Council, Environmental Awareness Section | General Public | Eliminate litter from cars | €3,000.00 |
10 | Stubbis Anti Cigarette Litter Campaign | South Dublin County Council, Environmental Awareness Section | General Public | Eliminate cigarette litter | €2,250.00 |
11 | Anti Litter Leaflets | South Dublin County Council, Environmental Awareness Section | General Public | Raise awareness – litter prevention and SDCC’s services to help communities prevent litter. | €983.57 |
Total | €49,583.57 |