Monday, December 15, 2008
MOTION: Councillor S. Crowe
This Council Committee concerned at the increased noise pollution coming from traffic on the newly opened Outer Ring Road and effecting Tallaght residents in Raheen, Kilclare, Whitebrook, Rossfield and Kilmartin Estates calls on the manager to draw up a report outlining practical measures this Council can take in the form of planting that will reduce some of the noise and the negative impact this is having on the quality of life of local residents.
The NRA document Guidelines for the treatment of Noise and Vibration in National Road Schemes, referred to above, contains Design Goals that are applicable to new road schemes only. In preparing an EIS, this means that these guidlines are applied and mitigation is put in place where necessary to achieve these design goals.
During the course of the preparation of the EIS for this section of the Outer Ring Road scheme Environmental noise surveys were carried out in order to quantify the existing noise environment at particularly sensitive locations deemed to be affected by the Outer Ring Road development. Twelve locations were selected in total, taking into account the existing noise climate and proximity to the proposed roads. The location and a description of each survey point are included in the Environmental Impact Statement Volume 2: P118-121, and Tables 9.1-9.8. The combined maximum traffic noise level from the scheme together with other traffic in the vicinity was found to contribute to an increase in noise level at some of these locations and therefore in accordance with the NRA Noise guidelines for new road construction mitigation was deemed necessary. This mitigation consisted of :
Barrier No 1 West of Kilmartin 1.8 metres in height
Barrier No 2 North of Fettercairn Road 2.0 metres in height
Barrier No 3 East of Rossfield 1.0 metre in height.
No additional mitigation in the form of barriers is required for Kilclare, Raheen and Whitebrook.
General landscaping measures are included in the landscaping contract for the entire road network and include for the provision of a tree lined avenue affect along the road development. A high standard of landscaping along the road includes for the seamless tie in of levels to existing open spaces fronting the residential areas to the south. Planting will be avoided where it would interfere with sight lines or road safety. However it should be pointed out that planting schemes have no effect on noise levels.