Headed Item No. 3 (c) (i)
Members: Council Officials:
M. Corr | F Nevin | A/Director of Housing |
R. Dowds | H Hogan | Senior Executive Officer |
T. Gilligan | M O Shaughnessy | Senior Executive Officer |
J. Hannon | Y Dervan | Senior Executive Officer |
C. King | E Conlon | Staff Officer |
E. Maloney | ||
T. Ridge | ||
M. Ardagh | ||
R. Smyth, Tallaght Community Radio Forum | ||
M. Healy, Tallaght Homeless Advice Unit | ||
Councillor E. Maloney chaired the meeting.
H-I(1) Minutes
The minutes of the Housing and Social Development Strategic Policy Committee Meeting held on 11th September, 2008 were proposed by Councillor E. Maloney seconded by Cllr. T. Ridge and confirmed and approved as a true record and signed.
H-I(2) Matters Arising
It was NOTED there was no business under this heading.
H-I(3) Update on Housing Needs Analysis
The following report which had been circulated was NOTED:
HOUSING LIST @ 07/11/2008
At present there are 5,575 live applications on the housing list, 3,050 are in receipt of Rent Supplement and 547 are RAS tenants.
Breakdown of family composition as follows:
Family size | Number on List | % | |
Adults | Children | ||
1 | 0 | 1122 | 20.13% |
2 | 0 | 137 | 2.46% |
3+ | 0 | 14 | 0.25% |
1 | 1 | 1668 | 29.92% |
1 | 2 | 798 | 14.31% |
1 | 3+ | 478 | 8.57% |
2 | 1 | 247 | 4.43% |
2 | 2 | 408 | 7.32% |
2 | 3+ | 687 | 12.32% |
Other | Other | 16 | 0.29% |
TOTAL | 5575 | 100% |
Housing applicant’s source of income
Income Type | No. of Applicants | % |
Unemployed Assistance / Benefit / Social Welfare | 2003 | 35.93% |
Lone Parents Allowance | 1710 | 30.67% |
Employed (inc. part-time) | 1131 | 20.29% |
Disability/Invalidity - Allowance/Benefit/ Pension | 379 | 6.80% |
Back to Work | 149 | 2.67% |
FAS | 40 | 0.72% |
Old Age Pension | 47 | 0.84% |
Maternity | 37 | 0.66% |
VTOS | 25 | 0.45% |
Carers Allowance | 24 | 0.43% |
CE Scheme | 20 | 0.36% |
Widows Pension | 10 | 0.18% |
TOTAL | 5575 | 100% |
Housing applicants are listed under D.O.E.categories as follows:-
Value | Description | Nos. |
A | Homeless | 71 561 |
B | Travellers | 126 |
C | Living in accommodation that is unfit or materially unsuitable | 0 |
D | Living in overcrowded conditions | 671 |
E | Sharing accommodation involuntarily | 474 |
F | Young persons leaving institutional care or without family accommodation | 4 |
G | In need of accommodation for medical or compassionate reasons | 49 |
H | Elderly | 14 |
I | Disabled or handicapped | 16 |
J | Not reasonably able to meet the cost of the accommodation | 4150 |
TOTAL | 5575 |
These figures are based on 1st category, applicants may fall into two or more categories
i.e. G - Medical
H – Elderly
D – Overcrowding”
Ms Y. Dervan, Senior Executive Officer, summarised the report.
Following a discussion to which Councillor T Ridge contributed Ms Y Dervan, Senior Executive Officer, responded to queries raised.
The report was NOTED.
H-I(4) Report from Workshop on Part V
The following report which had been circulated was NOTED:
Discussion paper: South Dublin County Council – Part V policy.
1. Introduction.
The Councils housing strategy is set out in accordance with the Planning & Development Act 2000 in the County Development Plan 2004-2010.
It is anticipated that supply of social/affordable/voluntary, (sav), homes in accordance with Part V of the Planning & Development Act 2000, (as amended) has and will form a significant portion of home delivery in the coming years. The aim of this document is to set out the Councils policy when dealing with developers on Part V supply.
A workshop with the SPC and representatives from the Irish Home Builders Association and the Affordable Homes Partnership was held in September 2008.
The revised draft policy is set out below.
2. Policy (PROPOSED)
(i) In accordance with the South Dublin County Housing Strategy the policy of South Dublin County Council is to aim to achieve delivery of the required sav homes in accordance with Part V on site as part of the development which is the subject of the planning application. This is the primary basis on which all negotiations will be conducted.
(ii) In so far as practicable the Housing Department will commence Part V negotiations as early in the planning process as possible. The intention will be that the Part V agreement and appropriate funding approvals are in place prior to commencement of construction.
(iii) The involvement of Voluntary Housing Associations will be welcomed in Part V supply subject to discussions and agreement with the Councils Voluntary Housing Unit. These discussions and agreements should coincide and finalise with the overall Part V arrangements including funding approvals and are subject to the approval of the members in accordance with the Housing Act 1992.
(iv) In so far as practicable affordable properties will be marketed through direct sales by the developer. Any request from the developer that the homes be subsequently purchased by SDCC will be subject to the proviso that the homes may be used for any purpose in accordance with the Councils Housing Strategy.
(v) RAS proposals from developers for Part V provision will be examined and assessed on an individual basis. Proposals must provide equivalent value as the other forms of provision provided for in the legislation.
(vi) However, as indicated in the legislation there may be instances where on-site delivery is neither practicable nor desirable from South Dublin County Councils point of view.
(vii) The only instances where the position at (vi) above will be acceptable in South Dublin County is where
(a) The development is a small development i.e. less than 10 homes. (Larger schemes must meet Council requirements for tenure mix). For purposes of clarity the scale of the development must “fit” the available site, i.e., the application cannot form part of, or be “split” from, a larger development. If the application is either part of a larger scheme and/or there is additional residential capacity on the site (i) above will apply.
(b) The homes being developed are not suitable for sav homes due to size and/or type, or
(c) The home being developed are not possible to place on the market as affordable homes due to certified cost price, or
(d) The homes being developed are not suitable as social homes due to certified cost price having regard to DOELG guidelines and funding.
(It is envisaged that this clause will normally only be applicable to small infill schemes.)
Certified cost price is to mean the cost price per home calculated in accordance with the terms of the Planning Acts.
(viii) Where a developers planning application falls within the terms of (vii) above and the developer applies to pay compensation in lieu of the Part V requirement the Councils valuer will enter into negotiations and seek to reach agreement on value with the developer and/or their agents.
(ix) In instances where financial compensation is accepted in lieu of homes the intention will be that monies will be utilised for housing purposes in the Local Electoral Area in which the site is located in order to deliver a planning/housing gain to the local community.
(x) Off-site provision will not normally be acceptable under Part V. The reasons for this are :
(a) The acceptance of same could lead to distortion in the tenure mix in both developments and/or the wider area(s).
(b) Administrative, legal and practical difficulties in monitoring and delivering the homes on the alternative site.
(xi) The mix of social/affordable/voluntary homes in each case will be decided by reference to the Housing Strategy and the current demand in the relevant area.
3. Approval of draft policy.
(i) In the first instance it is proposed to present this document to the Housing SPC for perusal & discussion.
(ii) The position document agreed with the SPC will then be brought to the Area Committees of the Council.
(iii) It may be necessary to return to the SPC with the input from the Area Committees.
(iv) The final document agreed with the SPC will be brought to the members of South Dublin County Council for final discussion and possible approval.
4. Implementation of Policy
The policy, if approved by the members, will be circulated to the interested parties, including the CIF and the ICSH, and will, as indicated in the introduction, form the basis of all Part V negotiations in South Dublin County.
5. Next steps.
As indicated above this document is now before the Housing SPC.
Frank Nevin
A/Director of Housing.
The following links were also provided;
Presentation from John O‘Connor AHI
Presentation from Noel O‘Connor IHBA
Minutes of Workshop on Part V 26th September 2008”
F. Nevin, A/Director of Services, summarised the report.
Following a discussion to which Councillors E. Maloney, M Corr, C. King, M. Ardagh and J Hannon contributed F Nevin, Director
of Servcies responded to queries raised. The report was NOTED and it was AGREED to remove point (IX)
The report is now to go to the 3 Area Committees.
H-I(5) Review on the Scheme of Letting Priorities/ tenancy agreement/ ASB Policy
The following report which had been circulated was NOTED:
“Report on review of scheme of letting priorities/tenancy agreement/ASB policy
Housing and Social SPC has been established for the purpose of reviewing the Anti Social Behaviour Strategy document which was adopted by the Members in 2005. The Council’s Tenancy Agreement together with the Scheme of Letting Priorities, which was adopted by the Members and approved by the DoEHLG in 2006, will be also form part of the overall review. The purpose of the review to strengthen the enforcement powers available to the Housing Authority having regard to the changing profile of our local communities. The sub group comprises the following members of the SPC; Mayor M.Corr, Cllr T. Ridge, Cllr C. King and Ms. Betty Tyrell- Callard. The inaugural meeting of the group was held on the 7th October 2008 when the following ten no. recommendations were made by the Members:
1. Members want a review of Computer System for Housing.
2. If new system cannot be introduced the Housing Application Form will need to be simplified.
3. Councillors 20 recommendations in relation to Tenancy Agreement previously agreed to be revisited.
4. Manchester initiatives in relation to anti social behaviour to be incorporated in draft documentation.
5. There should be a mechanism in place to ensure that what is agreed by various agencies at case conferences is followed through.
6. Housing Application Form should stress what a tenant’s responsibilities/duties are while they are in Private Rented Accommodation awaiting allocation of house.
7. We should aspire to ensuring that someone evicted for Anti-Social behaviour not be allowed to get private rented within 3 mile radius.
8. Duties and responsibilities of applicants and tenants to be stressed at all times and on all application forms.
9. Gardaí not to be involved in sub group discussions until we are certain where our responsibilities end and theirs begin.
10. Elected members suggested that a representative, possibly from a Housing Association, be advised on the strategy.
It is hoped to complete the review by lst quarter of 2009.”
Ms Y Dervan, Senior Executive Officer summarised the report.
Following a discussion to which Councillors E. Maloney, R. Dowds, C. King, and M. Corr contributed Ms Y Dervan, Senior Executive Officer, and F Nevin A/Director of Services responded to queries raised. It was NOTED that the review or the Anti Social behaviour Policy Scheme of Letting Priorities and Tenancy Agreement will need to be informed by the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2008 which has not yet become statute.
The report was NOTED and it was AGREED that concerns regarding difficult tenants would be brought up at the next meeting of the SPC sub group on review of ASB Policy Document. It was also AGREED to write to the Minister for Environment, Housing and Urban Renewal regarding anti social behavior in the private rented sector.
H-I(6) Update on Traveller Accommodation Programme
The following report which had been circulated was NOTED:
“Update on Traveller Accommodation Programme 2009-2013
Notification of the publication of a Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme 2009 - 2013 was advertised in the national and local Press on the 22nd of October, 2008, and circulated to Members and relevant agencies.The latest date for receipt of written comment/submissions is the 22nd of December, 2008.
A report will be brought before each of the Area Committees prior to the December deadline and discussions with Councillors will take place on the draft Programme. Discussions on the Draft Plan will also take place at a specially convened meeting of the Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee. A report will be prepared for the Manager, detailing all comments / submissions along with the Housing Departments comments on same. The Manager will then place the re-draft report before the full Council for ratification and adoption. Circular TAU 7/2008 from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government indicates that the latest date for adoption of the Programme is the 30th of April, 2009.”
Mr H Hogan, Senior Executive Officer, summarised a Presentation on the Draft Document of the Traveller Accommodation Programme 2009 – 2013. Following a discussion to which Councillors C. King and E. Maloney contributed Mr H Hogan, Senior Executive Officer responded to queries raised.
The report was NOTED.
H-I(7) Affordable Housing – Motion from Terenure Rathfarnham Area Committee Meeting
The following report which had been circulated was NOTED:
“The following motion was proposed by Councillor P. Cosgrave and seconded by Councillor C. Keane and PASSED at the Terenure- Rathfarnham Area Committee Meeting (2) held on 9th September, 2008:-
"That this Council set up a new scheme within the Affordable housing scheme in Terenure-Rathfarnham area for people who are over fifty and have gone through marriage or partner separation. In most cases this leaves them with a small settlement and unable to get back onto the property ladder."
“The affordable housing scheme adopted by South Dublin County Council on 14/04/03 makes provision for the current housing circumstances of eligible persons to be taken into consideration. In cases where the applicant(s) are coming from a marriage or partner separation, the Council's Affordable Housing section looks at all the possibilities available to aid the applicant qualify for the Affordable Housing List. South Dublin County Council can only consider the advancing of a mortgage to applicants between the ages of 18 and 65, which must be paid by the time that the home purchaser turns 65; the maximum term of the loan is 30 years. However since last year applicants may secure a mortgage from one of 6 lending institutions who have signed up to the Affordable Housing Scheme and may be able to negotiate a longer repayment term or conditions.
In deciding to grant a mortgage to an applicant the Affordable Housing section must ensure that the purchaser(s) has enough income to meet the mortgage repayments after all other outgoings have been paid. Mortgage repayments must not involve the use of more than 35% of net income (gross income less income tax and P.R.S.I.)”
It was AGREED that the report would then be further considered at the next meeting of the Housing and Social SPC”.
A link to the Home Choice loan was provided. The DOEHLG Circular AHS 3/08 on the proposed new Equity loan was also provided.
Ms M. O’Shaughnessy, Senior Executive Officer, summarised the report. Following a discussion to which Councillors E. Maloney, J. Hannon, C. King, and M. Ardagh and Mr. R. Smyth contributed Ms M. O’Shaughnessy, Senior Executive Officer responded to queries raised.
The report was NOTED.
H-I(8) Management Companies
A presentation which had been circulated was NOTED:
Mr F. Nevin, A/Director of Services, summarised a presentation on Management Companies.
Following a discussion to which Councillors R. Dowds, T. Gilligan, J. Hannon, and T. Gilligan contributed Mr F. Nevin, A/Director of Services responded to queries raised.
The report was NOTED and it was AGREED to write to the Minister for Environment, Heritage and Local Government requesting him to fast-track and update on the proposed legislation dealing with Management Companies.
The meeting concluded at 7.00 pm