Monday, December 08, 2008
"Review of Standing Orders"
The following report was presented at the Organisation, Procedure and Finance Committee meeting held on 20th November 2008:
"The current Standing Orders for the regulation of meetings and proceedings were adopted in June 2003 and amended in June 2005.
It was agreed earlier in the year to review the Standing Orders for a number of reasons including:
- the need to deal with “Emergency Motions” in line with the statutory provisions of Sch 10, 16 2 (e) )the Local Government Act 2001 . Currently there is no specific article included in the SDCC Standing Orders for “dealing with urgent business related to a function of the local authority” . A recommendation for amendment to the Standing Orders to deal with this issue was presented in March 2008
- the Local Government Act 2001 specifies clearly that a Local Authority shall hold its annual meeting on such day, in the month of May or June, as the Local Authority shall by resolution appoint or fix by Standing Orders. This change from previous legislation is not properly reflected in our Standing Orders.
- Schedule 10 16 4 (f ) of the Local Government Act 2001 specifies that Standing Orders shall provide for when a roll call vote is to be taken.
- The need has arisen to clearly outline how statutory business presenting from Area Committees and requiring resolution should be dealt with.
- Standing Order 60 refers to procedure required for the presentation of Reports requested by Area Committee and as issues of common interest to bordering Area Committees are likely to occur more favourable informal arrangement for briefings of adjoining area committees should be made.
- Standing Order No 5 refers to the Hour of Meeting and provides that the hour of meeting of the Council shall be 3.30 p.m. or at such other hour as may from time to time be fixed by resolution of the Council. Standing Order 5 further states that the Council shall rise not later than 6.30 p.m. (5.30 p.m. in respect of Area Committees). There is no reference to the rising of OP&F Meetings and this has caused some level of confusion in the past.
New Draft Standing Orders have now been prepared and are circulated herewith. Where changes have been made these are coloured in green print and original text appears in red.
In accordance with Schedule 10 (16) (2) (e) of the Local Government Act 2001 this Council may amend or revoke Standing Orders and make new ones by resolution for which at least one half of the total number of members of the authority vote in favour.
These Draft Standing Orders are now before the members for consideration “ End of Report to OP&F
It was AGREED to recommend the adoption of the Draft Standing Orders to the Council with the following amendment:
- Draft Standing Order No. 50: Attendance of Members of the Oireachtas, Public and Media at meetings. Members recommended that Oireachtas members should have reserved seating in the public gallery.
It was also AGREED to recommend that the proposed revisions referring to Council Meetings should also be applied to Area Committee.
In accordance with Schedule 10 (16) (2) (e) of the Local Government Act 2001 this Council may amend Standing Orders by resolution for which at least one half of the total number of members of the authority vote in favour.