HEADED ITEM NO. 3(c)(ii)
Members: Council Officials:
M Ardagh | Frank Nevin | A/Director of Housing |
M Corr | H Hogan | Senior Executive Officer |
R Dowds | E Conlon | Staff Officer |
J Hannon | ||
T Ridge | ||
R Smyth , Tallaght Community Forum | ||
M Healy, Tallaght Homeless Advice Unit |
Cllr R. Dowds chaired the meeting.
The meeting commenced with a presentation by Ms Margaret O Neill and Ms Carol Fitzmaurice from Threshold, Cork on Gillabbey Court. Gilabbey Court is a small development in Cork managed by Threshold and is a stepping stone for fist time buyers towards the purchase of their first home.
Following a discussion to which Councillors M. Ardagh, M. Corr, J. Hannon, T. Ridge, and R Dowds and Ms M. Healy contributed Ms. M O’Neill and Mr. F. Nevin, A/Director of Services responded to queries raised. Ms Carol Fitzmaurice invited the members to attend the Dublin Threshold Advice Centre.
It was stated that were Threshold or any similar Housing body to approach South Dublin County Council with a similar proposal to Gilabbey Court it would be given due consideration.
H-I(1) Minutes
The minutes of the Housing and Social Development Strategic Policy Committee Meeting held on 15th May, 2008 were proposed by Councillor R Dowds and seconded by Cllr. T. Ridge and confirmed and approved as a true record and signed.
H-I(2) Matters Arising
It was NOTED that the Housing Needs Assessment would be the subject of a full report to the next meeting of the SPC.
H-I(3) Update on Anti-social Behaviour Policies
The following report which had been circulated was noted:
“Update Report on Anti-Social Behaviour Policies
The Council's Anti Social Behaviour Policy document entitled " A Safe and Peaceful Place to live" was adopted in February 2005. The purpose of the policy was to create and sustain a safe and peaceful living environment for the tenants of South Dublin County Council by actively tackling anti social behaviour through prevention, enforcement, support and rehabilitation.
A sub-committee of the Housing and Social Strategic Policy Committee was established for the purpose of reviewing the aforementioned Policy document aimed at building on the UK experience of Manchester City Council in dealing with anti-social behaviour with a particular focus on inter-agency co-operation, enforcement powers, victim focus, perpetrators rights and PR campaign. The sub-committee comprises of 3 members, Cllr. Marie Corr, Cllr. Cathal King and Ms. Betty Tyrrell-Collard (representing Trade Union interest).
The inaugural meeting of the committee was held on the 23rd October 2007. The meeting was attended by Cllrs. Corr and King. It was agreed that the business of the sub-group be conducted over an initial 3-month period October to December 2007, to be reviewed in the context of progress on the business of the Committee. This timescale has been extended.
An overview of the four core principles of the current policy was outlined, Prevention, Enforcement, Support and Rehabilitation. Examples of some initiatives since the adoption of the 2005 Anti Social Behaviour Policy were outlined to the Committee:
The second meeting of the sub group took place on the 08th January 2008.
The meeting was attended by Inspector Pat Edgeworth of Tallaght Garda Station who gave a detailed presentation about the Garda Diversion Programme.
Inspector Edgeworth explained that if a child gets into trouble with the law, the Gardaà may decide to caution him/her and keep him/her under supervision rather that go to court. This form of diversion for children was started in 1964 and, because it has been successful, the Garda Juvenile Diversion Programme exists across the country and is included as part of the children Act 2001. A child suspected of an offence is referred to the Garda Diversion Programme. In 2005 there were 17,567 children referred to the programme and 75% were issued with a caution.
Garda Youth Diversion Projects are run by the Gardaà as part of the Garda Diversion Programme. The projects aim to help children move away from behaving in a way that might get them or their friends into trouble with the law. They can help young people develop their sense of community and their social skills through different activities. Under the Garda diversion programme are a number of local community based projects that are for children at local level. The projects encourage pr-social behaviour and are aimed at keeping kids out of trouble.
The projects offer opportunities for education, employment training, sport, art, music and other activities. Most projects operate outside of school hours, however, in areas with a high proportion of early school-leavers, activities may also be planned during the daytime.
There are 100 groups across Ireland. Tallaght has 5 groups, each with approximately €100,000 funding which comes from the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform. A full audit is done every year on each project. There is an average increase of 5% in funding each year. There are projects in Fettercairn, Killinarden, Brookview, Tymon North and Jobstown. Upwards of 220 youths were referred to the 5 projects in 2007. These groups target 11-16 year olds through referrals. The projects have a full time co-ordinator (with salary) and the groups rely on volunteers to progress the projects. South Dublin County Counil has provided office space in its community centres to facilitate these groups.
The recently published Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2008 contains provisions in relation to anti social behaviour in local authority housing estates. Each Housing Authority will be required to draw and adopt an anti social behaviour strategy, the principal objectives of which shall be as follows:
(a) the prevention and reduction of anti-social behaviour
(b) the co-ordination of services within the housing authority directed at dealing with, or preventing or reducing, anti-social behaviour.
(c) the promotion of co-operation with other persons, including the Garda Siochána, in the performance of their respective functions insofar as they relate to dealing with, or the prevention or reduction of, anti social behaviour, having regard to the need to avoid duplication of activites by the housing authority and such other persons in the performance of those functions, and
(d) the promotion of good estate management.
The Anti social behaviour strategy will set out the proposals of the Housing Authority for achieving these objectives including:
(a) procedures in relation to the making of complaints to the housing authority in respect of anti social behaviour;
(b) initiatives for the prevention and reduction of anti social behaviour;
(c) the provision of education relating to, and the carrying out of research into, anti social behaviour and its prevention and reduction.
In drawing up its anti social behaviour strategy Housing Authorities will be required to consult with -
(a) any joint policing committee established under section 36 of the Garda Siochána Act 2005 in respect of its administrative area.
(b) the Garda Siochána,
(c) the Health Service Executive, and
(d) any other person as the authority considers appropriate.,17932,en.pdf
The drawing up and adoption of the anti social behaviour strategy will be a reserved function of the Council.
It is proposed to reconvene the SPC sub committee at an early date so as to plot a course for the preparation of the new strategy.”
Mr Frank Nevin, A/ Director of Housing summarised the report. Following a discussion to which Councillors T. Ridge, R. Dowds, C. King and M. Corr and Ms M. Healy contributed Mr. F. Nevin, A/Director of Services responded to queries raised. The report was NOTED.
H-I(4) Financial Contributions Scheme
The following report which had been circulated was noted:
Financial Contributions Scheme
The Scheme of Letting Priorities adopted by the Council on 12th December 2005 was approved by the Minister for Housing and Urban Renewal on 21st December 2006. The Scheme provides for the introduction of a Financial Contribution Scheme where older persons who are owners of private dwellings and who find their existing dwelling too large for their needs, may apply for accommodation in designated Older Persons Dwellings subject to the payment of a financial contribution as follows:
Applicant's Age | Financial Contribution |
50-54 years (on medical grounds only) | 1/2 of net proceeds of sale |
55-69 years | 1/3 of net proceeds of sale |
70-79 years | 1/4 of net proceeds of sale |
80 years and over | 1/5 of net proceeds of sale |
Applicants under this section will not be prioritised ahead of Older Persons on the Housing or Transfer Lists but will be included on the list from the date of approval. Applicants under this section must offer their existing dwelling to the Council for purchase in the first instance. South Dublin County Council has received 20 expression of interest to date.
Under the Council's Scheme of Letting Priorities, South Dublin County Council Tenants (aged 55 or over) are also prioritised when downsizing accommodation.
Technical issues associated with this Financial Contribution Scheme are currently being worked out with a view to bringing a final report before the Council and the Housing Strategic Policy Committee. In the interim staff in the Housing Department will endeavour to identify a pilot project with a view to establishing the viability of the scheme.”
H-I(5)Traveller Accommodation Programme 2009 - 2013
“Traveller Accommodation Programme 2009-2013
Under section 10 of the Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act, 1998 the Council is required to prepare and adopt 5-year Traveller accommodation programmes.
The existing programme will expire on 31st December, 2008 and we are now required to prepare a new 5-year programme for the period 1st January, 2009 to 31st December, 2013.
The Minister has specified 30 April, 2009, as the latest date by which accommodation programmes must be adopted. The adoption of the programme is a reserved function.
The current Traveller Accommodation was adopted by the Council on the 9th May 2005 providing for the provision of 215 new units of traveller specific accommodation, (residential caravan parks and group housing), together with a further 83 units of social housing being made available to members of travelling community, giving a total number of accommodation units to be provided as 298.
The current position in respect of the provision of the above is:
Traveller Specific Accommodation | Standard Social Housing | |
Completed | 91 | 84 |
Currently under Construction | 47 | |
Total | 138 | 84 |
This number of units (222) represent a 75% delivery of the existing programme
Traveller Specific Development which were provided prior to the 2005 (not included in the above figures)
Cherryfield | 10 |
Owendoher | 9 |
Oldcastle Drive | 14 |
Greenhills Grove | 6 |
Marlfield Crescent | 5 |
St Aidans, Brookfield | 10 |
The following are the Traveller Specific development identified in the programme and their current status.
Scheme | Type and No. of Units | Status |
2-Bay Ballyowen Meadows | 2 GH | Completed and occupied May 2008 |
3- Bay Lynch Lane (emergency) | 3 RCP Bays | Completed and occupied March 2008 |
Belgard Park | 8GH | Completed & Occupied – August 2005 |
Fortunestown | 10 Group Houses – | Completed & Occupied December 2006 |
Daletree Place | 10 Group Houses | Completed & Occupied August 2005 |
Hayden’s Lane Place | 8 Group Houses | Completed and occupied April 2007 |
Hazel Hill, Killinarden | 5 Group Houses 5 Bay RCP | Completed & Occupied December 2006 |
Kishogue | 10-bay RCP & 10 Group Houses | Completed and Occupied June 2008 |
Lock Road Emergency Facility | 6 bay RCP | Completed & Occupied May 2006 – Plans for permanent accommodation being prepared for Section 8 |
St. Aidan’s Close Brookfield | 5 Group Houses | Completed & Occupied May 2006 |
Tay Lane | 7 Group Houses | Completed and occupied July 2008 |
Lynch’s Park | 10 bay RCP & 9 Group Houses | Under Construction – delivery expected November 2008 |
Newcastle | 10 GH | Under construction – delivery expected first quarter 2009 |
Stocking Lane | 10-bay RCP | Under Construction – Delivery expected late 2009 |
Coldcut | 8 GH | Under construction .delivery expected late 2009 |
Fonthill | 3-bay RCP & 3 GH | Deferred pending determination of Metro West Line. Constraints study being undertaken on the lands available at this location |
Rathcoole | 10 GH | Deferred until completion of access Road – final site to be determined |
Oldcastle | 20 Units | Concept design being drafted |
Ballyowen Lane | 10 | Residents have indicated that their preference is to have their current accommodation upgraded at meeting held with residents in July 2008 – Brief currently with Architects Department |
Belgard Road | 10 RCP | Currently there are 8 families on this site in cramped conditions and without satisfactory facilities. It was intended to extend and upgrade the site on land that was identified and included in the IT Masterplan for their site. However when requested the IT have refused to provide the land required. Currently the Architects Dept are preparing a brief for the redevelopment of this site. When available further efforts will be made to obtain the land needed to accommodate the site. Discussions will also be undertaken with the Priory and the residents of the site themselves. |
Turnpike | 3 Group Houses | Section 8 report being prepared for October Council meeting |
Adamstown | 10 houses | Discussion under Part V currently taking place with developer |
Adamstown | 20 houses | Future delivery under Part V Agreement |
Bustyhill | 10 | Future Site |
Brittas | 10 | Future Site |
In 2007 9 families were accommodated as a result of casual vacancies.
The provision of the above accommodation has resulted in the closure of temporary halting sites at St. Maelruan’s Field, Tallaght, Kishogue and Balgaddy Clondalkin, and with the provision of the new Lynch’s Park the existing temporary Lynch’s Lane RCP will be closed.
Progress in respect of transient accommodation is dependent on the consensus of all four Dublin Authorities, and is at present under discussion.
An Assessment of Needs under Section 6(5) of the Traveller Accommodation Act 1998 was carried out in March 2008. The assessment asked families to specify which type of accommodation they would like to avail of, i.e. group house, caravan bay or standard Council housing.
137 families took part in the assessment of these 10 families opted for all three types of accommodation, 12 opted for two types of accommodation and 115 opted for one type of accommodation.
The following is a summary breakdown of the assessment:
NEW FAMILIES (families only in 2008 assessment) | 70 |
RCP'S | 54 |
NO. REACHING 18 BY 2011 (approx.) | 80 |
Having regard to these figures and the current development in progress and identified it is estimated that an additional 13 units of traveller specific accommodation will be required during the period of the next construction programme for traveller specific accommodation.
Circular No. TAU 7/08 (attached) from the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government directs that all relevant Housing Authorities to prepare and adopt a 5 year Traveller Accommodation programme. The new programme is to cover the period 1st January 2009 to 31st December 2013. The Minister has specified the 30th April 2009 as the latest date by which accommodation programmes must be adopted.
The Minister has also specified that under Section 6(1) of the 1998 Act, that an assessment of the needs for existing sites be conducted. This assessment must include an assessment of the need for transient sites, however, these provisions do NOT apply to the assessment of projected need.
Public Notice of South Dublin County Council’s intention to prepare a Traveller Accommodation Programme for the period 2009-2013 was published on the 22nd July, 2008, closing date for submission was the 22nd August 2008.“
Mr Hugh Hogan, Senior Executive Officer gave a presentation on the new Traveller Accommodation Programme 2009 - 2013. A Memorandum from the DOEHLG and Circular No. TAU 7 /08 were presented. Following a discussion to which Councillors M. Ardagh, T. Ridge, C King, R Dowds and M. Corr, and Ms M. Healy, contributed Mr H Hogan, Senior Executive Officer and Mr. F. Nevin, A/Director of Services responded to queries raised. The success of the current Traveller Accommodation Programme was noted and it was acknowledged that this would not have been possible without the help and courage of the Members.
The Report was Noted.
H-I(6) Part V Workshop
It was AGREED that the workshop would be scheduled for Friday, 26th September (pm).
The meeting concluded at 7 pm.
Chairperson ______________________ Date:_____________________
Councillor E. Maloney