south dublin county council crest


Monday, November 24, 2008


HEADED ITEM: P. Department

SD08A/0183 Reg. Date: 07-Nov-2008 Applicant’s Name: Mowlam Residential Care Ltd Submission Type: Significant Additional Information         Location: Fortunestown, Citywest, Co. Dublin Proposed Development: A 60 no. bed nursing home and 108 assisted living units all contained within a four storey over basement building of approximately 15,082 sq.m.  The basement of approximately 3262 sq.m is to contain a meter room, access stairways ands lifts and 104 car parking spaces. Part of the ground and first floors are to contain the 60 ensuite bed nursing home with ancillary kitchens, sluice rooms, dining rooms, tv lounge, laundry rooms and circulation areas, the reminder of the part ground and first floors and the entire of the second and third floors are to contain 108 no assisted living units comprising 54 no 1 bed units and 54 no 2 bed units, all with patios or balconies The south Western elevation of the proposed building forms the entrance elevation of the building where a single storey return forms the entrance lobby and activity room with service and storage area to the rear and vehicular access and visitor car parking to the front. Also proposed is a single storey detached day care centre of approximately 108 sq.m located adjacent to the front elevation of the main building. Access to the proposed development is to be from 2 no. points, the first from the existing spur road to the north west of the subject site which extends from a roundabout on the N82 which along with the spur road were granted permission under the south dublin reg ref 99a/0154. The main access to the site is to be from a westerly extension of approximately 80 meteres in length of the aforementioned spur road which includes for a roundabout and southern access road. Permission is also sought for and all associated landscaping and ancillary site works including foul and surface water drainage arrangements on a total application site area of 2.238 hectares. Significant Further Information:  development of a 90no. bed Nursing Home, 30 no. bed Dementia Units and 30 no. bed High Dependency Units all contained within three storey building of approx. 9425.78sq.m. (Building A).  The development will also comprise 16 no. Assisted Living Units contained in a four storey stand alone building comprising approx. 1660.80sq.m. (Building B). The development also consists of 54 no. surface car parking spaces in total. The proposed scheme also includes an amendment to the layout of the internal courtyard. Decision Due on or before: 05-Dec-2008  
SD08A/0280 Reg. Date: 28-Oct-2008 Applicant’s Name: Maplewood Developments Submission Type: Significant Additional Information         Location: Lands bounded by Tymon North Distributor, Road, Old Blessington Road and existing residential estate at Balrothery, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Proposed Development: Construction of residential development of 34 apartments with projecting balconies in 4 no blocks ranging in height from 2 to 4  storeys  over basement car park as follows; Block A; 8 no 2 bed Apartments and 2 no duplex 2 bed apartments in 4 storeys; Block B; 8 no 2 bed apartments and 2 no duplex 2 bed apartments in 4 storeys; Block C 1 no 3 bed apartment 6 no 2 bed apartments and 1 no duplex 2 bed apartment in 3/4 storeys; Block D 5 no 2 bed apartments and 1 no duplex 2 bed apartments in 2/3 storeys with surface car parking and vehicular access from Old Blessington road and associated site works.   Significant Further Information:  the modifications include a relocated vehicular entrance from Old Blessington Road with an extended raised platform for traffic calming and modifications to site boundary. Decision Due on or before: 25-Nov-2008  
SD08A/0709 Reg. Date: 14-Oct-2008 Applicant’s Name: Cookstown Development Group Submission Type: New Application         Location: Site Located at Cookstown Estate Road, Cookstown, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Proposed Development: Mixed use development broken into 4 no. buildings totalling c. 31950.1sq.m. consisting of 217 no. apartment units, retail floor space totalling 3409.5sq.m.,  office floor space totalling 6939sq.m.,  a creche, community meeting room and two basement levels providing for 860 car-parking and 322 bicycle spaces.   Building 1 consists of a 5 storey mixed use building broken down as follows:  6 no. convenience retail units at ground floor with a gross floor area of 1340sq.m., 1 no. community meeting room at ground floor level with a gross floor area of 34.2sq.m.,  1 no. creche with a gross floor area of 387sq.m.,  89 apartments over 5 storeys made up of 24 no. 1 bedroom apartments,  54 no. 2 bedroom apartments and 11 no. 3 bedrooms;  6 storey corner office suite with a gross floor area 2658.5sq.m: Building 1 will have a maximum height of 25.5m,  vehicular access will be via a new road constructed off Cookstown Estate Road.   Building 2 consists of a 5 storey mixed use building broken down as follows:  6 no. retail units at ground floor level with a total gross floor area of 1048sq.m.,  1 no. community meeting room at ground floor level with a gross floor area of 26.2sq.m.,  47 apartments over 5 storeys made up of 14 no. 1 bedroom,  26 no. 2 bedroom and 7 no. 3 bedroom apartments,  5 no. storey office suite with a gross floor area of 1359sq.m:  Building 2 will have a maximum height of 21.5m,  vehicular access will be via Cookstown Estate Road.   Building 3 consists of a 5 storey residential building made up of 1 no. retail unit at ground floor area with a gross floor area of 136sq.m.,  1 no. community meeting room at ground floor area with a gross floor area of 45.2sq.m.,  81 apartments over 5 storeys made up of 19 no. 1 bedroom,  46 no. 2 bedroom and 16 no. 3 bedroom apartments;  Building 3 will have a maximum height of 19m;  vehicular access will be via Cookstown Estate Road.   Building 4 consists of a 4 storey office/retail building broken down as follows: 3 no. retail units at ground floor level with a gross floor area of 885.5sq.m.,  4 no. storey office suite with a gross floor area of 3346.4sq.m;  Building 4 will have a maximum height of 20m,  vehicular access will be via a new road constructed off Cookstown Estate Road.   Public open space has been designed to cpmplement the surrounding buildings and to provide an aesthetically pleasing and peaceful environment for both private residences and the general public to enjoy and will measure 5269sq.m.  The proposed development will include landscaping and ancillary site works and will also consist of the demolition of 5 no. existing industrial units totalling 10117sq.m. This application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement. Decision Due on or before: 08-Dec-2008  

Planning Files A. Large applications under consideration B. Files requested by members