Monday, November 24, 2008
The Council undertook an initiative in 2008 to identify areas of dereliction and litter black spots within the County. In addition the Elected Members were requested to identify areas in need of attention in the context of litter and dereliction within their areas.
The following is a schedule of derelict sites within the Tallaght Electoral Area where inspections have been carried out and appropriate action initiated.
Ref | Address | Current Status | Action Taken |
1484 | Site at entrance to Homelawn Villas | Deemed derelict following inspection by Area Engineer | Part of site is in the ownership of SDCC, Parks Department will carry out a clean up of this area by mid December 2008. |
1498X | 97 The Dale, Belgard Heights | Deemed derelict following inspection by Area Engineer | Summons issued by Law Dept. Owner contacted SDCC to advise that outstanding works had been carried out. Area Engineer instructed to re-inspect site. |
1568 | 27 Drumcairn Avenue | Deemed derelict following inspection by Area Engineer | S11 Notice expired, Area Engineer confirmed that none of the works have been carried out. Law Department have been instructed to initiate legal proceedings against the owner of this site. |
1578 | 2 Bawnlea Green, Jobstown | Deemed derelict following inspection by Area Engineer | Area Engineer instructed to re-inspect this site. |
1581 | 353 Daletree Road, Ballycullen | Deemed derelict following inspection by Area Engineer | S.11 Notices issued to owners, advised that possible change in ownership, reference check has been requested to confirm ownership. |
1596 | Rear of 56 Forest Close | Deemed derelict following inspection by Area Engineer | S11 Notice expired, Area Engineer has re-inspected this site and confirmed that works have been carried out, therefore the site is no longer derelict. |
1607 | Ballycragh House, Old Ballycullen Road | Deemed derelict following inspection by Area Engineer | S11 Notice expired, Area Engineer instructed to re-inspect site to establish if necessary works carried out. |
Other sites within the Tallaght Area have also been identified for action and discussions have been held with the owners of these sites and a schedule of works recommended to ensure the sites are cleaned and free of litter. These discussions with continue and where action is not taken proceedings under the Derelict Sites Act will be initiated.