south dublin county council crest


Tuesday, November 04, 2008


MOTION: Councillor M. Ardagh

"That the Manager request the developer of the McHugh's site in Greenhills to replace the present hoarding around the site with a boundary fence that is more appropriate i.e. railings and a stub wall which would improve the appearance of the site.  Also, that the Manager lease the McHugh's site from the developer until he is ready to proceed with the development, on a short term basis, to provide for community facilities in the area, such as a park and ride for commuters, which could also be used by people using Tymon and Greenhills Parks, as a sports training area for the clubs in the area, as a playground area or as a possible site for a country market and will he examine the possible interim usage of the site for the benefit of the community as it is unfair that a community that has enjoyed the facility of a shopping centre and local services in the past should now be left without facilities of any sort for possibly the next five years."


The site of the former Greenhills Shopping Centre was inspected by an Area Engineer on 1st September, 2008, and is considered to be a derelict site within the definition contained in Section 3 of the Derelict Sites Act, 1990.  A Section 11 Notice was served requesting the following works to be carried out:

The Notice expires on the 27th November, 2008, after which the site will be re-inspected by the Area Engineer and if the work outlined in the Notice has not been completed by that date the matter may be referred to the Council's Law Department and legal proceedings may be instituted.

While there is a current planning permission on the site for the provision of apartments, retail units and medical centre etc., under current planning legislation the developer has five years to develop the site from the date of grant of permission.  As previously stated South Dublin County Council does not have plans to purchase the site for any development purposes