south dublin county council crest


Monday, October 13, 2008


QUESTION: Councillor J. Lahart

To ask the Manager to outline progress in dealing with remedial measures to prevent flooding in areas affected by the recent and prolonged period of heavy rainfall within the county?


Some locations in the County have suffered from flooding during abnormal heavy rainfalls in recent years. These are ;

Other local areas did also suffer from localised flooding but on a smaller scale.

The Dodder Valley

In late 2005/early 2006 the three local authorities in whose functional areas the river Dodder flows i.e. South Dublin County Council(SDCC), Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council(DLRCC) and Dublin City Council(DCC) agreed that a study of the river would be commissioned in order to provide a comprehensive report on the Flood Risk Assessment and Management of the river. The Office of Public Works (OPW) is funding the study as it forms part of the national Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management Studies (CFRAMS). Dublin City Council is the Contracting Authority on behalf of the three local authorities.  Following the public tendering procedure in early 2006 Dublin City Council appointed consultants/service providers, R.P.S., to carry out the Risk Assessment and Management Report. The major stakeholders, DCC, OPW, SDCC, DLRCC and RPS meet at Steering Group level every three months to review the progress of the contract.  The final plan will require the agreement of all three Councils and the OPW.

The core purpose of this study is to assess the spatial extent and degree of flood hazard and risk within the Dodder catchment, to examine future pressures that could impact on that risk, and to develop a long-term strategy for managing the risk that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.

The Report will include measures for the development of a robust model representing the hydrological and hydraulic characteristics of the River Dodder catchment, such a model will provide for the mapping of the flood risk.  Using model output the technical and economic merit of various options for flood management, taking account of current and future land developments, will be presented within the report.

To achieve this aim the following study objectives have been identified:

The main tributaries of the Dodder River are included in the above Risk Assessment and Management Report viz. the Whitechurch, Owendoher and the Tallaght streams.

In June 2008, the consultants issued a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) scoping report on the River Dodder Catchment Flood Risk Management Plan.  This Report is available to download on the Dublin City Council website:  Comments can be sent to the above website or

The final SEA statement will:

Further plans for the Dodder River Risk Assessment and Management Strategy include a public information day on the flood risk management options in September 2008, a draft CFRAMS and Environmental Report consultation between November 2008 and January 2009 and a final Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) statement on April, 2009.


Following the flooding that took place along the Whitechurch River on the 22nd of June, 2007, the consultants/service providers, R.P.S., were asked to produce an interim modelling report on the Whitechurch River before the main Dodder Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management Study Report.  The final Whitechurch River Interim Modelling Report issued from R.P.S. in July, 2008 with recommendations on reducing the flood risks along the Whitechurch River.These recommendations are currently being examined.

Lucan - The River Liffey catchment area

Recently a preliminary stakeholders meeting was convened to set up a Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management Plan for the River Liffey and its tributaries, those that are located in the South Dublin County Council area:viz. The Poddle, The Camac including the Robinhood and Ballymount Streams and The Griffeen.  The main stakeholders in the Liffey Study area the OPW, the ESB, Dublin City Council, South Dublin County Council, Fingal County Council, Meath County Council, Kildare County Council and Wicklow County Council.  Again this study will be funded by the OPW and Dublin City Council will be contracting/lead authority.

Ongoing maintenance

Meanwhile, the Drainage Section of the Council cleans screens on rivers on a regular basis especially when heavy rainfall is forecasted. The Council has also an annual river cleaning programme. Local landowners whose land abuts a river or stream also have a responsibility for maintenance. Letters have been issued recently to all landowners ( riparians) along the Whitechurch River informing them of their responsibilities in this regard. Similiar letters will also issue to landowners along other rivers and streams in due course.