Monday, October 13, 2008
HEADED ITEM NO. 3 (b) (i)
Report of Transportation Strategic Policy Committee Meeting of
4th September 2008.
1. Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes of Transportation Strategic Policy Committee held on 8th May 2008 were confirmed and approved as a true record and signed.
2. Presentation on Draft Action Plan relating to the Assessment & Management of Environmental Noise
Cllr K. Warren welcomed Ms Sarah Duffy, Environmental Health Officer to the meeting. Ms Duffy made a presentation on the above Draft Action Plan relating to Assessment & Management of Environmental Noise.
Mr. F. Coffey followed on with a presentation on the position in relation to the Roads and Transportation issues.
Following discussion and questions from Cllr T. Ridge, Cllr D Keating and Cllr O’Connor. Ms S. Duffy and Mr. F. Coffey replied to the queries raised.
It was noted that further individual presentations would be made to each of the Area Committee Meetings in accordance with the normal arrangements.
The presentation was noted.
3. Report on European Mobility – 16th – 22nd September
Mr P. Murphy gave an extensive summary of events which will take place during European Mobility Week (In Town without my car! Campaign).
The Members were circulated with the following summary on individual events to be held by South Dublin County Council during European Mobility Week:
· The official opening of a new cycleway
· The launch of tow new walking buses
· The closing of a road to traffic
· The holding of a festival type event in this newly formed pedestrian friendly space
· The taking part in the Pedometer Challenge
· The holding of an online quiz
· The promotion of a range of sustainable travel and transportation initiatives with the emphasis on fun and participation such as the “Smoothie Bike”.
Following discussion the queries raised by Cllr T. Ridge and Cllr P. Cosgrave were responded to by Mr Murphy.
The report was noted.
The meeting concluded at 7.00 p.m.
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Councillor K. Warren Date