south dublin county council crest


Tuesday, October 07, 2008


HEADED ITEM: P. Department

Planning Files A. Large applications under consideration B. Files requested by members


SD08A/0308 Reg. Date: 29-Sep-2008 Applicant’s Name: McCabe Construction Dublin Ltd. Submission Type: Significant Additional Information         Location: Silveracre House, Sarah Curran Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16 Proposed Development: Redevelopment of the site known as Silveracre House, a Protected Structure.  The development will consist of the following ; (1) Demolition of single storey additions to the side of existing Silveracre House and the complete refurbishment and division of same to provide 2 new dwellings, dwelling 01 being a 357m2 4-bedroom dwelling accessed from existing main entrance on eastern elevation to Silveracre House, with its own new private rear garden, a new 50m2 basement extension area providing additional storage / utility area and accessing the new basement area, and dwelling 02 to be contained in the existing return to the main dwelling to be refurbished to a 193m2  3 - bedroomed dwelling to be accessed from existing entrance on western elevation, with its own new private rear garden, with  a new stairs to access the new basement area. (2) Demolition of existing storage sheds & structures to the north-west of the site (3) The construction of 4 blocks of apartments providing the following accommodation ; Block 1, a 3 storey building located in the south-east of the site to consist of 6 no apartments in total (1 no one bedroom & 5 no two - bedroom), each with individual balconies; Block 2, a 3 storey building over basement located in the south-west of the site to consist of  11 no. apartments in total (5 no one-bedroom & 6 no two - bedroom), each with individual balconies; Block 3, 4 storey building over basement located in the north-west of the site to consist of 25 no apartments in total (6 no. one bedroom, 15 no two-bedroom & 4 no three - bedroom), each with individual balconies; Block 4, a 3 storey building over basement located in the north of the site to consist of 11 no apartments in total (5 no one bedroom & 6 no two bedroom), each with individual balconies; giving a total number of 53 apartments in the entire developments (4) The construction of 4062m2 approx basement to provide 129 car parking spaces in total, along with bicycle parking, bin storage and relevant plant area. Planning Permission is also sought for the demolition of existing entrance gates and boundary wall onto Sarah Curran Avenue and the realignment of the boundary wall to provide new footpath onto Sarah Curran Avenue and the relocation of the existing entrance to provide a new vehicular & pedestrian entrance for the development onto Sarah Curran Avenue and the construction of a new stone boundary wall & steel railings to match the character of existing boundary wall.  Planning Permission is sought for the provision of an ESB Substation to serve the development. The development has been designed to allow for the retention of certain key specimen trees of exceptional quality and the removal of other trees on the site of lesser importance, as per tree specialist recommendations, along with a complete hard and soft landscaping and the introduction of extension new mature planting, including all associated site works (all within a site area of 8218m2). SIGNIFICANT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:            (1)  the complete removal of Block 4 which was to be located to the north of the site and was to consist of 11 no. apartments in total;  (2)  the redesign of Block 1 which is now to consist of a four storey including a penthouse block consisting of 8 no. apartments in total (3 no. three-bedroom and 5 no. two-bedroom, Block 1 is also to be repositioned closer to Block 2 than that shown on previous application;   (3) the existing boundary wall and entrance gateway onto Sarah Curran Avenue to be retained, this existing entrance gateway is now proposed as the entrance to the proposed development;   (4)  the redesign of the basement car park to provide for alternative entrance to basement car park and the reduction of the total number of car parking spaces to 99 and the provision of additional storage and ancillary facilities;   (5)  the revision of the landscaping layout as required by the above mentioned proposed changes;   (6)  the following traffic calming measures are proposed: (a) a traffic calming island is to be installed at the existing entrance onto Sarah Curran Avenue reducing the overall width of Sarah Curran Avenue to 3.5m - this traffic calming island will extend for 30-40m approx. either side & will include  the relevant signage , protective bollards, ramps etc;   (b) a 1200mm wide footpath is to be provided at the bridge to the south west of the proposed site on Sarah Curran Avenue which will reduce the width of Sarah Curran Avenue to 3m at this point, this footpath is to be 10m approx. in length and is to be protected against vehicles by the installation of minimum 3 no. bollards;  (c) vehicular and pedestrian traffic lights are to be installed at the junction of Sarah Curran Avenue and Whitechurch Avenue.   Decision Due on or before: 27-Oct-2008  

SD08A/0430 Reg. Date: 19-Sep-2008 Applicant’s Name: Gary Smith Submission Type: Additional Information         Location: Ashleaf Shopping Centre, Crumlin Cross, Crumlin, Dublin 12 Proposed Development: Development of a mixed-use shceme including retail (convenience, comparison, non-retail services and ancillary uses), residential, office and apart-hotel uses, on this 1.63 ha site, approximately, which will consist of the partial demolition, refurbishment and extension of Ashleaf Shopping Centre.  The development will consist of: Demolition of 3,559 sq m; the refurbishment of 2,960 sq m, the continued use of 12,394 sq m, and the reorganisation of existing floorspace and new construction, resulting in a scheme with a total gross floorspace of 28,084 sq m, excluding car parking at basement level (14,482 sq m) (the existing centre measures some 18,913 sq m gross floor area (33,216 sq m including basement car parking). The proposed development will include some reorganisation of existing floorspace, which results in a change of use from; non-retail services to retail (169sqm); retail to medical centre (47sqm);office to retail (992sqm); non-retail services to office (15 sq m); office to apart-hotel (799 sq m); ancillary space to medical centre (29 sq m); and ancillary space to retail (192 sq m). The proposed development will consist of: an increase in retail use by 3,069 sq m gross retail area (2,142 sq m net retail sales area (an increase in comparison net retail sales area of 2,247 sq m and a decrease in convenience net retail sales area of 105sqm)) (from 7,857 sq m to 10,926 sq m gross retail area in total (5,861 sq m to 8,003 sq m net retail area in total)); an increase in the medical centre by 76sqm (from 247sqm to 323 sqm); an increase in office use by 286 sq m ( from 2,367 sq m to 2,653 sq m); an increase in ancillary space by 527 sq m( from 2,643 sq m to 3,170 sq m) (ancillary space includes areas such as service corridors, circulation, toilets, staff areas, plant areas, substations and switchrooms); a decrease in non-retail services by 476sqm (from 714sqm to 238sqm); a decrease in public bars by 2,995 sq m ( from 3,209 sq m to 214 sqm) the provision of an 80-bed apart-hotel (5,335sqm) including conference facilities (including terraces and balconies); and the provision of 40 no. residential units (including terraces and balconies) (comprising 4 no. one-bed apartments; 33 no two-bed apartments; and 3 no. three-bed apartments (3,349 sq m)); and an increase in car parking provision by 11 no. spaces ( from 546 no to 557 no. spaces). The scheme will be arranged over 5 no. levels ( from ground floor level to fourth floor level) all over an existing basement level). The development also includes: the provision and continued use of pedestrian ( including disabled) access and the continued use of  the existing vehicular (customer and service) access/egress arrangements; the provision of all hard and soft landscaping ( including roof gardens); lifts/ travellators; cycle parking; plant areas; associated signage; changes in level; boundary treatments; associated elevational changes; and all other associated site excavation and site development works above and below ground. Decision Due on or before: 17-Oct-2008