south dublin county council crest


Tuesday, October 07, 2008


MOTION: Councillor E. Walsh

"That this Committee remains opposed to planning application SD08A/0430 (Ashleaf Centre) in light of the additional information submitted by the developer as the revised plans still constitute overdevelopment of the site.


Planning application SD08A/0430 was reveive on 24/06/2008 from Gary Smith , JFK Drive for the following proposal at Ashleaf Shopping Centre, Crumlin Cross, Crumlin, Dublin 12.

Proposed Development:-Development of a mixed-use shceme including retail (convenience, comparison, non-retail services and ancillary uses), residential, office and apart-hotel uses, on this 1.63 ha site, approximately, which will consist of the partial demolition, refurbishment and extension of Ashleaf Shopping Centre. The development will consist of: Demolition of 3,559 sq m; the refurbishment of 2,960 sq m, the continued use of 12,394 sq m, and the reorganisation of existing floorspace and new construction, resulting in a scheme with a total gross floorspace of 28,084 sq m, excluding car parking at basement level (14,482 sq m) (the existing centre measures some 18,913 sq m gross floor area (33,216 sq m including basement car parking). The proposed development will include some reorganisation of existing floorspace, which results in a change of use from; non-retail services to retail (169sqm); retail to medical centre (47sqm);office to retail (992sqm); non-retail services to office (15 sq m); office to apart-hotel (799 sq m); ancillary space to medical centre (29 sq m); and ancillary space to retail (192 sq m). The proposed development will consist of: an increase in retail use by 3,069 sq m gross retail area (2,142 sq m net retail sales area (an increase in comparison net retail sales area of 2,247 sq m and a decrease in convenience net retail sales area of 105sqm)) (from 7,857 sq m to 10,926 sq m gross retail area in total (5,861 sq m to 8,003 sq m net retail area in total)); an increase in the medical centre by 76sqm (from 247sqm to 323 sqm); an increase in office use by 286 sq m ( from 2,367 sq m to 2,653 sq m); an increase in ancillary space by 527 sq m( from 2,643 sq m to 3,170 sq m) (ancillary space includes areas such as service corridors, circulation, toilets, staff areas, plant areas, substations and switchrooms); a decrease in non-retail services by 476sqm (from 714sqm to 238sqm); a decrease in public bars by 2,995 sq m ( from 3,209 sq m to 214 sqm) the provision of an 80-bed apart-hotel (5,335sqm) including conference facilities (including terraces and balconies); and the provision of 40 no. residential units (including terraces and balconies) (comprising 4 no. one-bed apartments; 33 no two-bed apartments; and 3 no. three-bed apartments (3,349 sq m)); and an increase in car parking provision by 11 no. spaces ( from 546 no to 557 no. spaces). The scheme will be arranged over 5 no. levels ( from ground floor level to fourth floor level) all over an existing basement level). The development also includes: the provision and continued use of pedestrian ( including disabled) access and the continued use of the existing vehicular (customer and service) access/egress arrangements; the provision of all hard and soft landscaping ( including roof gardens); lifts/ travellators; cycle parking; plant areas; associated signage; changes in level; boundary treatments; associated elevational changes; and all other associated site excavation and site development works above and below ground. 

On 14/08/2008 the Council sought additional information which was received on 19-Sep-2008. A decision is due on or before 17th October 2008.