Monday, September 15, 2008
Update Report on Litter Management Plan Objectives 2008-20011 September 2008 |
1. Develop programmes on the basis of targeting the various litter categories, blackspots and illegal means of disposing of waste/refuse |
"Stubbi" cigarette butt holders are being distributed by litter wardens and the environmental awareness team. An anti-cigarette litter programme with "Stubbi" advertising and coordinated "Stubbi" distribution is being organised together with a liaison programme with businesses/pubs/restaurants etc. to promote prevention. "Car Tidi" compressible car bins have been ordered to help combat vehicle related litter and will be ready for distribution by the end of October. Regular plastic bag levy audits are undertaken and Waste Packaging Regulations inspections are carried out by Waste Enforcement staff. Awareness work done on all litter types at pre-tenancy meetings and during school visits by environmental awareness team/litter wardens. The Environmental Awareness team distribute information and promote awareness of the gum-litter campaign by providing online information and highlighting litter law enforcement in this area and providing school resource packs for dowloading. provides educational information to compliment this work. SDCC have a full time graffiti removal team in place. SDCC has endorsed groups bidding for funding under Pobal’s Community Graffiti Reduction Programme. Global Action Plan (GAP) are also being supported in their application for an anti-graffiti programme Following sessions with Eelected Members to identify litter blackspot locations, covert CCTV surveillance is in place at three locations. Others being examined by Environment/Development Departments to determine how best to progress/tackle issues raised. |
2 .Develop a customer focused litter complaints procedure in order to deal effectively and efficiently with complaints |
Customer contact system used to record all litter complaints. Ongoing process improvement to better utilise this facility. |
3. Continue to actively enforce litter pollution and waste management legislation, bye laws and standards |
All Litter Wardens engage in routine and non-routine inspections including outside of normal office hours to enforce legislation. Dedicated waste bye-laws personnel in place. Ongoing "on-the-ground" information and awareness campaign implemented up to August 2008. First fines issued under the waste bye-laws in August. "Name & Shame" List and litter enforcement statistics for January to June 2006 being finalised for publication online and in local and national press Litter Management team plan currently being developed. |
4. Improve the litter disposal systems available to the public |
Commitment given to the full Council to examine alternative litter receptacles. A pilot of new solar bins is due to commence shortly. |
5. Expand the recycling opportunities within the County. |
There are currently recycling facilities in the County as follows: Glass Cans Textiles Batteries 47 26 19 67 Additional sites are being investigated to further expand the bring bank network throughout the County. Plastic recycling possibilities being examined with a view to expanding the service at Ballymount Civic Amenity Recycling/Reward machines being trialled in two community centres. Existing bring centres are protected by using CCTV (see Objective 11) |
6. Continue to monitor and review road cleansing service in order to provide an improved service. |
A review of the road cleansing service will be initiated within the context of the existing contract and in co-operation with staff and contractors. |
7. Develop a litter management programme for designated urban areas within the County – Tallaght city, Clondalkin town centre and other designated areas |
A litter management programme is now in operation targetting town centres and urban areas. A set of Maintenance Programme indicators is to be developed based on the above programme which will enable ongoing review of standards. |
8. Prepare litter management, education and awareness programmes that promote community and business involvement, community identity and responsibility, personal responsibility, youth activity etc. |
The Environmental Awareness team has developed a school network providing Green Times Schools Newsletters for teachers as well as organising environmental awareness network meetings with information regarding campaigns, events and activities for schools being distributed. Annual Beautiful South Dublin County Schools Art Competition. All schools receive the Green Times Newsletter which encourages schools to register for the Green Schools Programme. 39 Primary Schools and 4 Secondary Schools have been awarded Green Flags. A further 73 primary schools and 21 secondary schools are registered for the Green Schools Programme. Anti-Dog Fouling Signs distributed and erected upon request. Resident Associations, schools, community centres, libraries, environmental groups and youth groups all receive mail shots regarding the following the annual National Spring Clean and the Beautiful South Dublin County Competition. The Anti-Litter Grant is advertised and allocated to community groups that apply for funding for anti litter initiatives. Beautiful South Dublin County Competition encourages communities to improve their local areas with judging criteria including Litter Management. |
9. Encourage active participation in Anti Litter Campaigns |
The Environmental Awareness Team promotes participation in competitions such as Tidy Towns, Pride of Place and Beautiful South Dublin County. The Beautiful South Dublin County Awards Ceremony will take place on Wednesday 1st October. This year 120 entries were received from individuals, community groups, youth groups, residents associations and businesses that are actively making South Dublin County a cleaner, greener place to live and work. |
10. Develop a communications programme to promote a litter free County – including the promotion of the use of and |
A programme of communications will be developed in conjunction with the PR Unit to highlight the anti litter message. A review of litter content will be initiated to ensure up to date information and to further develop and improve the promotion of a litter free County. |
11. Optimise the application of available technology in the enforcement and prevention of litter |
CCTV monitoring has been in place in South Dublin County since May 2007 with more than 2,000 litter fines issued as a result of CCTV evidence. This has led to a reduction in littering at areas covered by CCTV. Tender process to formalise CCTV monitoring is due to commence shortly. Litter Surveys incorporate digital photo records |
12. Utilise systematic data analysis systems to monitor and plan Litter management and decision making |
Ongoing meetings between Parks and Cleansing staff to respond to IBAL findings. A base-line litter survey of the County has been organised in conjunction with An Taisce. Following the completion of the survey An Taisce will supply the Council with a report documenting the survey findings and providing recommendations. The results of this survey will be form the basis for a system of ongoing surveys to monitor progress in the county. Mapping of incidence of litter is being developed to target litter hotspots. |
13. Continue to research and implement best practice models |
A Research programme will be developed in house that will enable the identification of best practice that can then be developed in the County |
14. Ensure the provision of a litter management plan for all major events. |
Research has commenced to facilitate the development of a litter management plan template and guidelines for major event plans that can be imposed as a planning condition/licence. |
Statistics Cleansing (to end July 2008) | ||
Clean Up Tasks | Tonnage | (to end July 2008) |
4125 | 858.75 | |
Enforcement (to end August 2008) | ||
Litter Fines | Litter Notices | Waste Bye Laws Notices |
2013 | 153 | 15 |
Graffiti Statistics (to 10/09/2008) | ||
Reported | Removed | Outstanding/With Contractor |
291 | 234 | 57 |
(These statistics will be developed into specific area based information)