Monday, July 14, 2008
Report to: Environmental Services Department
From: Environmental Health Department
Re: 06S.PC0036 N7 Resource recovery project
Waste to Energy at Behan’s Quarry Rathcoole.
Report: Proposed Waste Water Treatment system.
This short report relates only to the proposal for the installation of a wastewater treatment system in the overall development.
It is proposed to use a Klargester BioDisc to treat sanitary foul waste for a population equivalent of 50 persons.
The documentation appears to indicate that a “contained method” of waste water treatment is to be used. The treatment plant is to be located on the bedrock floor of the quarry. It would seem that treatment and disposal by soil using a traditional percolation area is not being envisaged.
We have discussed with David Conneran of Tobin Consultants (086 8566061) on this matter. He has indicated:
1 that the treated effluent /foul run-off will be re directed into the waste to energy process, and
2 that the run-off from that process will be directed to a surface water attenuation pond, and
3 that the discharge from this will be no more than “greenfield run-off rates”.
From our interpretation of the information submitted it is not clear what the final method of treating and disposal of the effluent will be. Further definite proposals are needed on the three items listed above ie:-
a) What purpose is the redirection of the effluent in the process;
b) what is the purpose of the attenuation pond, and
c) what the reference to “greenfield run” –off means.
d) What will be the proposed final destination of the effluent run-off.
I would recommend that this additional information be requested.
Joanna Troughton
Environmental Health Officer
David O’Brien
Principal Environmental Health Officer
Report to: Environmental Services Department
From: Environmental Health Department
Re: 06S.PC0036 N7 Resource recovery project
Waste to Energy at Behan’s Quarry Rathcoole.
Report: Proposed Well Water Supply.
The application contains a proposal to provide a water supply to the site by sinking two boreholes off site. I would recommend that a condition should be attached requiring these boreholes to comply with the minimum separation distances from any adjacent septic tank or domestic wastewater treatment system/percolation area , as specified in the EPA Wastewater Treatment Manual 2000. Further additional information is needed to indicate the precise location of these “off-site” boreholes.
Signed: Joanna Troughton
Environmental Health Officer
Endorsed: David O’Brien
Principal Environmental Health Officer
Register Reference No.: | 06S.PA0006 |
Date Received: | 09/06/2008 |
Application Type: | Permission |
Submission Type: | New Application |
Applicant: | Energy Answers International Ltd |
Location: | Behan’s Quarry at Windmillhill, Rathcoole, County Dublin |
Proposed Development: | See attachment |
Decision Due: | |
Report Date: | 12/06/08 |
Foul Drainage Report: Additional information required:
1. Package Sewage Treatment Plant: BioDisc BC-BG: Refer to EHO
2. Applicant shall submit full details of the proposed foul water pumping system for the development. This shall include detailed plans, cross sections and calculations for the design of the pumping system. Information shall be provided on the type, number and configuration of the pumps. Overflow storage facilities shall be designed to cater for 5% misconnection of the paved area. Applicant shall provide a method statement giving details of measures to be taken in the event of any pumping station/ power failure. This shall include details of automatic controls, standby generation, telemetry alarm system, spare parts provisions, details of personnel who will respond to the alarms, maintenance response times and screening of solids from overflow
3. Runoff from the buildings where imported waste is deposited, wash down of dirty areas of site, truck washing area and vehicle fuel point shall be routed through a separate silt trap and petrol/oil/diesel interceptor and discharged to the foul drain. Applicant shall submit foul drainage plans for the areas which shall comply with this requirement.
· Applicant to ensure full and complete separation of foul and surface water systems.
· All drainage works for this development shall comply with the Greater Dublin Regional Code of Practice for Drainage Works which can be viewed /downloaded from publications then specifications).
· All wastewater from any canteens or kitchens shall be routed via an appropriate grease trap or grease removal system before being discharged to the public sewer. Full details of this system to be submitted for approval prior to the commencement of development.
· Prior to commencement of the development all drainage drawings for the development shall be submitted to the Drainage Engineer (South Dublin County Council Deansrath Depot, Nangor Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22) for agreement.
Surface Water Report Additional information required:
1. Applicant shall submit detailed drawings of cross-section of the storm water storage volume showing details of both inlets and outlets of the attenuation pond.
Full details of how the attenuation pond shall be kept free from siltation and cleaned shall also be included.
2. Details of the proposed surface water pumping system from the attenuation pond shall be provided. This shall include detailed plans, cross sections and the type, number and configuration of the pumps.Applicant shall provide a method statement giving details of measures to be taken in the event of any pumping station/ power failure. This shall include details of automatic controls, standby generation, telemetry alarm system, spare parts provisions, details of personnel who will respond to the alarms, maintenance response times and screening of solids from overflow
3. Applicant shall submit detailed drawings of the cross-section of the open channel with dimensions.Calculations of amount of surface water discharge based on contribution areas that it is contributing to the attenuation pond shall be provided.
4. Applicant shall submit detailed drawings of the cross-section of the silting basin with dimensions and connection details to the open channel and attenuation pond. Full details of how the silting pond shall be kept free from siltation and cleaned shall also be included.
5. Applicant shall install automatic sampling system to detect potential contamination of surface water and such system shall be linked to alarm warning system and pump shutdown.
6. The applicant is proposing to discharge some of the surface water by soakage. The applicant shall supply details, including infiltration test results to demonstrate that the proposed soakaways comply with the requirements of BRE Digest 365. The soakaway design shall be certified to BRE Digest 365 standard by a suitably qualified person. The location of soakaway shall comply with the following requirement:
a. Soakaways are to be located at least 5m from any buildings, public sewers or structures and not in such a position that the ground below foundations is likely to be adversely affected.
b. Soakaways are to be located at least 10m from the nearest road boundary and not within 3m of the boundary of the adjoining site.
7. Applicant shall submit drawings showing cross-section and connection details of the proposed outfall to the river /stream. Any new surface water drainage outfall to a river/ stream shall comply with the following requirements:
a. There shall only be one surface water outfall point to the river.
b. The invert level of the outfall should be 200mm above the normal water levels.
c. A flap valve / non-return valve should be fitted to protect against backflooding. South Dublin County Council shall not be liable for the failure of the non-return valve.
d. The outfall should be so formed as to avoid, or provide against, local erosion and should be so angled as to discharge in the direction of flow of the watercourse.
e. Outfall details must include headwall, wing walls and apron.
f. Where the outfall is 300mm or larger, a suitable grating shall be provided at the outfalls to prevent access by children etc.
· Applicant shall ensure full and complete separation of foul and surface water systems.
· All surface water runoff from car parking areas shall be routed via a petrol/oil/diesel interceptor before discharging to the surface water sewer.
· All drainage works for this development shall comply with the Greater Dublin Regional Code of Practice for Drainage Works which can be viewed /downloaded from publications then specifications).
Water Report: Additional information required:
1. Private Wells.: Refer to EHO
2. The site layout shows 33 inch watermain traversing the site close to the entrance. Applicant shall consult with Dublin City Council to agree details of road crossing over this watermain.
3. Applicant shall expose the soffit of the watermain under the supervision of Dublin City Council personnel and the Water Maintenance Engineer,Deansrath, South Dublin county Council and record the exact level of the top of the watermain. Applicant shall submit design of the road crossing of this watermain showing details including levels which shall be approved by Water and Drainage Design Section of SDCC and the Water Section, Dublin City Council.
4. Applicant shall submit method statement including drawings of how this watermain shall be protected during and after construction from continuous flow of traffic including heavy duty vehicles, plants and equipment for the approval of Water Maintenance Engineer, Deansrath ,south Dublin County Council and Dublin City Council.
5. Applicants shall submit groundwater monitoring plans and methodology for approval by South Dublin County Council.
· Prior to commencement of the development all watermain drawings for the development shall be submitted to the Water Maintenance Engineer (South Dublin County Council Deansrath Depot, Nangor Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22) for agreement.
· Refer to Chief Fire Officer
Signed: | Date: | |||
Joseph Bockarie, .E.E. |
Endorsed: | Date: | |||
Tom Moyne , S.E. |