Monday, June 09, 2008
HEADED ITEM NO. 4(e)(ii)
Adjourned Lucan/Clondalkin Area Committee (1) - 4th June 2008 (originally scheduled for 21st May)
Motion 2
The following motion was PASSED at the Lucan Clondalkin Area Committee Meeting on the 4th June and the Committee requested that the motion be put before the June County Council Meeting for consideration.
MOTION: Councillor D. Keating
That this Committee requests the Manager to write to the Minister for the Environment and Local Government requesting the Minister to make a Ministerial Order, under Section 202 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, to make further Special Amenity Area Order(s) to preserve the Liffey Valley Lands in South Dublin, including at St. Edmundsbury and Woodville, particularly in view of the unanimous decision of South Dublin County Council expressed in the Motion passed in South Dublin County Council on 10th March 2008, including “it is wholly undesirable that any future housing developments take place in the Liffey Valley, including at St. Edmundsbury and Woodville, that would undoubtedly further damage the Liffey Valley Park as did, for example, the earlier housing developments at Laraghcon”, in the interest of the preservation of these lands, and that this committee also requests the Manager to specifically emphasise in this letter to the Minister the urgency of this request and specify in the request that this Ministerial Order for further Special Amenity Area Order(s) to preserve the Liffey Valley Lands, including at St. Edmundsbury and Woodville, is made prior to the commencement of the Review of the next County Development Plan, scheduled to commence in November 2008.
If the Motion is passed, the matter will be brought to Council for endorsement by way of Committee Report and then referred to the Minister for the Environment and Local Government for his attention. When a reply is received the Councillor will be notified accordingly.