Monday, June 16, 2008
QUESTION: Councillor J. Hannon
"To ask the Manager for a comprehensive report on the Dodder Linear Park (section from Mt Carmel Park to Oldbawn Bridge) and can he indicate works already carried out, further improvements due this year (including any works to Firhouse Weir and the promised new entrances)?"
Current and future upgrading works to the Dodder Valley Linear Park (section from Mt. Carmel Park to Old Bawn Bridge) consist of the following:
New Entrance and Car Park on Firhouse Road:
A new boundary wall and railing incorporating a formal vehicular and pedestrian entrance is currently being provided as part of the Firhouse Road Improvement Scheme. It is anticipated that the works will be completed by the end of year.
Under grounding of high voltage ESB lines:
The ESB are scheduled to commence the under grounding of existing high voltage ESB lines at the rear of Mount Carmel to facilitate the development of three new sports pitches.
Proposed restoration of water wheels on the River Dodder:
The Parks Department is in principle supportive of the proposal to restore waterwheels on the River Dodder. The proposed project fits well with Council policy in relation to the protection, conservation and enhancement of the Dodder Valley as an amenity for residents and visitors to the county and would be of educational value in respect of showcasing industrial heritage and the uses of sustainable water energy.
The Parks Department is keen to continue to develop a project in association with Firhouse and Tallaght Community Councils. It is proposed as the next step to make arrangements for a joint visit by representatives from the Parks Department and from both Community Councils to view two mill/water wheel projects: Skerries Mills located in Skerries, County Dublin and the restored ‘Mullins Mill’ on the River Kings in Kells, Co. Kilkenny.
Firhouse Weir:
In recent years a significant amount of tree planting has been completed at the rear of Firhouse Weir which is maturing and will provide an attractive backdrop to the weir and screen unsightly views.
Proposed Greenroutes:
Plans are in progress for the development of a network of Green Route cycle ways. It is proposed to undertake the construction of new cycle paths and extension of the existing pedestrian path network within the Dodder Valley Park extending from Oldbawn Road to Springfield Avenue.
The proposed cycle routes within the park will link into those already established as part of the surrounding road network. The proposed works will also involve the construction of 4 new pedestrian bridges over the River Dodder to provide improved linkage across the river for both pedestrians and cyclists. The works will be subject to Public Consultation under Part 8 of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001. This proposed path system will allow for increased leisure and work circulation routes through the Dodder Valley Park. It will also increase the usage of the park and enhance security by increased public presence.
Clearing works along the River Dodder at Old Bawn Bridge:
Earlier this year, clearing works were carried out along the River Dodder at Old Bawn Bridge to enhance the amenity value of the river and Old Bawn Weir. The works involved pruning, felling and removal of existing vegetation from both river banks. Fencing was also installed along the steep sections of river bank.
Proposed Part 8 Developments at Old Bawn Entrance:
Under the 2006 Sports Capital Programme €250,000 has been allocated towards the construction of changing facilities to replace the existing containers at Oldbawn.
The proposed Part 8 development works involve the construction of new changing room facilities and car park, relocation of tennis courts, re-orientation of playing pitches, and landscape improvement works at Oldbawn Weir.
Further works will form part of the detailed design scheme resulting from the Part 8 proposal detailed under Headed Item H-I (6).
Biodiversity Management Plan:
All of the proposed developments have the potential to impact on the biodiversity of the park, on its wildlife habitats and their associated nature conservation value. It is therefore considered important at this point that a detailed ecological assessment is made of the Dodder Valley Park.
A consultant Ecologist has been engaged by the Parks Department to carry out a detailed ecological assessment and to prepare a Biodiversity Management Plan for the Dodder Valley Park.
The Management Plan will provide an informed and prescriptive methodology for the management and development of the Park into the future and will in particular determine the effect the above proposed development works would have on habitat management and what mitigation measures should be taken by the Council.
It is also important to generally manage and develop the Dodder Valley Park in an environmentally sensitive manner and to preserve and enhance the biodiversity of the park while allowing for its use for public recreation. In particular, this will require the provision of guidelines to staff on a management policy for this park which will be different to those in use in the Council’s parks and open spaces to date.
In addition, there are a number of joint initiatives ongoing between the three local authorities focussing on the Dodder and its parklands including the Dodder Valley Framework Plan, and the River Dodder Flood Management Plan, all of which would benefit from this proposed study.
When the Biodiversity Management Plan is completed it is proposed to report back to a future meeting of the Tallaght Area Committee.