south dublin county council crest


Monday, June 16, 2008


Report on Part 8 Process for Dodder Valley Park




At a meeting of the Tallaght Area Committee held on the 3rd December 2007 it was agreed to proceed with a public consultation process for the proposed

construction of new changing room facilities and car park, relocation of tennis courts, re-orientation of playing pitches, and landscape improvement works at Oldbawn Weir, Dodder Valley Park, Oldbawn, Tallaght. Dublin 24.

Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 prescribes the requirements in respect of certain classes of proposed Local Authority Developments.  The Regulations apply to the proposed works involved in the construction of new changing room facilities and car park, relocation of tennis courts, re-orientation of playing pitches, and landscape improvement works at Oldbawn Weir, Dodder Valley Park, Oldbawn, Tallaght. Dublin 24


The proposed construction of new changing room facilities and car park, relocation of tennis courts, re-orientation of playing pitches, and landscape improvement works at Oldbawn Weir, Dodder Valley Park, Oldbawn, Tallaght. Dublin 24 was advertised in accordance with Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, in the Irish Independent in January 2008.

The scheme went on public display from Wednesday 23rd January, 2008 to Friday 29th February, 2008 at:

·                    The offices of South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght,

 Dublin 24.

The development proposals were set out on Drawing Number PLS 1176-31a, dated November 2007.

The closing date for receipt of submissions was Wednesday 12th March, 2008.


A consultation process was also undertaken directly by staff of the Parks & Landscape Services Department with representatives from Old Bawn Residents Association, Tallaght Community Council and the following sports clubs - Thomas Davis GAA, Shamrock Rovers FC, Dominic Celtic FC and Dragon Rangers FC.

Discussions with the Residents Association, Community Council and clubs focused on their opinions and requirements from the proposed construction of new changing room facilities, car park, relocation of tennis courts, re-orientation of playing pitches, and landscape improvement works at Oldbawn Weir, Dodder Valley Park, Oldbawn, Tallaght. Dublin 24.  The feedback was very positive and enlightening and the co-operation of the Residents Association, Community Council and clubs in welcoming and facilitating the process is appreciated.


Two submissions were received before the closing date as follows:

  1. Mr. Charlie O’ Connor TD, Constituency Office, Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24 and Dail Eireann, Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
  2. Ms. Tara De Buitléar, Secretary of Old Bawn Residents Association, 14 New Bawn Drive, Old Bawn, Tallaght, Dublin 24.

Both submissions favoured the proposal, with some observations.  A schedule of the submissions is detailed below along with a response to the item raised. A file containing the submissions is available at the meeting.

A number of observations were made in both submissions which refer to matters outside the scope of the Part 8 proposal. These items are listed at the end of the report for information.

1.0 Mr. Charlie O’ Connor TD



There is a clear need to provide proper lighting throughout the park and landscaping needs to be hugely improved.


In relation to the provision of public lighting in the park, it is the practice not to provide public lighting in parks other than where there are short links between residential areas and local amenities such as shops, schools and bus stops and where there is a significant local demand. The primary reason for this is that the provision of lighting might be interpreted by the public as meaning that the route is safe for use during the hours of darkness and would encourage the use and traversing of the park at night which, in the interests of public safety, is considered to be undesirable and inherently unsafe.

There is an additional issue in relation to the lighting up of some parks which is the environmental intrusion and impact on the habitat and ecology of the park. Public lighting could have a significant, adverse effect on nocturnal creatures.

It is proposed to provide selective public lighting in the vicinity of the proposed car park and the proposed new pavilion to ensure safe access.

There may also be an opportunity to light a short section of footpath between the Old Bawn Road and Seskin View Estate subject to consultation with local residents.

In relation to the need to improve the landscaping in the park, the Part 8 proposal includes for landscape improvement works in the vicinity of Old Bawn Weir.  Future landscape enhancement proposals for other parts of the park will be brought forward as resources permit.


There is also a clear need to deal with the litter problem in the park and the provision of an adequate number of litter bins should also be encouraged.


The Council generally avoids the installation of litter bins in parks which do not have a continuous staff presence available to service the bins on a regular basis.  Without frequent emptying, litter bins can become full to overflowing, adding to the litter problem and giving a poor appearance to the park.

Experience has shown that litter bins are only used by members of the public who are litter conscious and who would normally bring their litter home with them. People who are not litter conscious do not use the litter bins provided.

It is proposed to provide some litter bins in the vicinity of the proposed pavilion/car park, subject to satisfactory arrangements being in place for servicing them. 


There is an obvious lack of proper signage directing people, particularly visitors, to the area and a major effort is needed in that regard.


As part of the development of the proposed car park and pavilion, it is intended to provide adequate signage directing visitors to the park. It is also proposed to provide a detailed information board in the car park with a map of the park, outlining the features of interest.

2.0 Ms. Tara De Buitléar


Better access for wheelchairs & spectators across the middle of the park

Suggest adding in a pathway to assist spectators across the middle of the pitches – not included on current draft map. It would traverse the park from the tennis courts to the pathway running along the river passing between both football pitches.

This will enable a safe place for wheelchair users and those with young children to view matches from the touchlines of both football pitches. It would also break up a large green space and provide a variety of walking routes and distances around the park.


The Council will explore the feasibility of incorporating this observation into the detailed design proposals for the scheme having regard to the need to maintain flexibility in terms of pitch arrangements and the safety of players, path users and spectators.


Litter Mgt

Suggest including litter bins – no litter mgt in this well used park - -plastics  bottles after weekend matches could be reduced if bins were located near the pitches & changing rooms. 

With the implementation of Sli na Slainte in Dodder Valley and the improvement of the walkways a litter management programme has to include litter bins. The vehicular entrance from Seskin View Road and the new one at the Old Bawn Road will provide ample access for the litter collection vehicles. This was a previous reason for refusing a request for bins in the park, this barrier will be removed and therefore bins should be included in the plans for this park.


The Council generally avoids the installation of litter bins in parks which do not have a continuous staff presence available to service the bins on a regular basis.  Without frequent emptying, litter bins can become full to overflowing, adding to the litter problem and giving a poor appearance to the park.

Experience has shown that litter bins are only used by members of the public who are litter conscious and who would normally bring their litter home with them. People who are not litter conscious do not use the litter bins provided.

It is proposed to provide some litter bins in the vicinity of the proposed pavilion/car park, subject to satisfactory arrangements being in place for servicing them. 



Lighting required to improve safety in park & increase it functionality in winter months – this increases positive activity in the park which should have a beneficial impact on anti social behaviour.

There maybe a policy of not lighting public parks, however this has not prevented SDCC from installing lighting along public pathways e.g Springfield.

The pathway which runs parallel to the houses in Seskin View, New Bawn & Bawnville is used as a pathway to the bus stops on the OBR, Aherns, The Old Mill, Old Bawn Shopping Centre, not to mention to the St Maelruains NS. In light of this usage, it should be lit as a public pathway to improve usage, security and enable movement around the community to vital amenities & services.


In relation to the provision of public lighting in the park, it is the practice not to provide public lighting in parks other than where there are short links between residential areas and local amenities such as shops, schools and bus stops and where there is a significant local demand. The primary reason for this is that the provision of lighting might be interpreted by the public as meaning that the route is safe for use during the hours of darkness and would encourage the use and traversing of the park at night which, in the interests of public safety, is considered to be undesirable and inherently unsafe.

There is an additional issue in relation to the lighting up of some parks which is the environmental intrusion and impact on the habitat and ecology of the park. Public lighting could have a significant, adverse effect on nocturnal creatures.

It is proposed to provide selective public lighting in the vicinity of the proposed car park and the proposed new pavilion to ensure safe access to and from the pavilion.

There may also be an opportunity to light a short section of footpath between the Old Bawn Road and Seskin View Estate subject to consultation with local residents. In relation to the proposal to light the full length of the footpath which runs parallel to the houses in Seskin View, New Bawn & Bawnville, this matter will be further explored with the local residents.


a) Maximise views of Mountains

There should be no more “viewing hills” on south bank (parallel to Firhouse Road) – they obscure views for North bank (parallel to Seskin View Road) residents.


As part of the proposed development, it is not intended to provide any ‘viewing hills’ on the south bank of the River Dodder.

b) existing tree line is too high

The existing tree line is too high along the river Dodder from the Old Bawn Weir towards Mortons Weir, along Avonmore Road and behind Kilininny house – currently obscuring fabulous views of Cartys Castle, Hellfire club, Orlagh and the mountains.


The Council will examine this tree line and the views and prospects that may be obscured to establish what works could be carried out to enhance views of the mountains, Hellfire Club, Carty’s Castle etc. from the vantage point of the park. 


Landscaping in park

A)   The current map indicates tree planting along the end of each cul de sacs – will this not obscure the views each road currently has of the mountains?

Could this not be replaced by evergreen hedging along the boundary walls of the gardens between the entrances to the park. Thus reducing the impact on views of the mountains while creating a harmonious soft boundary around the park.

Planting hedging along these walls would also reduce the potential for graffiti which has plagued these walls and given a poor visual appearance to the park.


The proposed scheme has indicated planting works at the end of the cul de sacs and along the boundary walls of gardens. The Council will be preparing more detailed planting proposals for these areas and will consult with local residents in relation to the detail.

B)   I would suggest some tree planting on the new pathway between the 2 soccer pitches would create a natural wind barrier. It would also act as a deterrent to motor bikes which currently have large vast open space in Dodder Valley park on which to race unhampered. This could help reduce the noise and the potential for illegal scrambling in the park.


The Council will explore the feasibility of incorporating this observation into the detailed design proposals for the scheme as part of the response to item 2.3 above.


Proposed Pedestrian Bridge at Weir

The proposed plan shows a pedestrian bridge running close to the Old Bawn Weir, there is no detail about the design or distance from the weir.

Will this bridge obscure or detract from the views of the weir from the park?


It is intended that the proposed bridge will provide views of the existing bridge and weir while providing views of the river and access to the southern bank without the necessity to leave the park. It is intended that the proposed pedestrian bridge will compliment the existing bridge and weir rather than compete with them. The detailed design proposals for the bridge have yet to be prepared and will involve input from inter alia the Council’s Conservation and Heritage Officers, Environment Department and the Office of Public Works.  When a more detailed design is available, it is proposed to bring a report to a future meeting of the Tallaght Area Committee. It is also intended to consult with local residents and interested groups.


Fencing around tennis Courts

There is no detail around the design or height of the proposed fence to secure the tennis courts. There is an existing hedgerow as a boundary for the tennis courts. This does catch litter because of the exposed and windy conditions in the park, but compliments the park setting. What design features will be implemented to ensure the new boundary is appropriate to the park setting?


The detailed design proposals for the scheme will illustrate the type, height and features incorporated into the design of the fence in order to ensure that it will compliment the parkland setting and deter the catching of litter.


Community Rooms

There is no reference to a community room which would be available to local active community groups in the built structure which includes changing rooms. This is a welcome development for the sporting activities in the area. The built structure would be greatly enhanced if its function was extended to facilitate community meetings.


The proposed pavilion is intended to replace the existing steel containers located beside the ESB sub-station. The changing rooms will be available for use by the football clubs allocated facilities in this part of the Dodder Valley Park.  It is not proposed to provide any community meeting room as part of this facility.

Community meeting facilities are currently provided in the area at the following locations:

- Tymon Bawn Community Centre, Aylesbury.

- Bohernabreena Enterprise Centre, Allenton.

Further community meeting facilities are proposed in the area as part of the Council’s Community Departments’ Part8 proposal for a new Community centre located in Ballycragh Park.


Cycle lanes – existing & future

Currently there is a high kerb for cyclists to mount if they want to join the cycle lane on the Old Bawn Road. This may have to move to accommodate the entrance into the proposed car park. Could the gradient from the road to the cycle lane be made less acute to make the transition for cyclists less acute?


This issue will reviewed in association with the Roads and Traffic Department as part of the development of the entrance to the car park from the Old Bawn Road.



There is a distinct lack of signage to promote Dodder Valley park on the mile from Mortons Weir to Old Bawn Weir. Could you include more signage re: park bye laws and features / wildlife at all entrances – including the entrance at Seskin View / Avonmore Road ?  It will help educate all the community of the natural gem we are lucky enough to have on our doorsteps.


As part of the development of the proposed car park and pavilion, it is intended to provide adequate signage directing visitors to the park. It is also proposed to provide a detailed information board in the car park with a map of the park, outlining the features of interest.

Consideration will also be given to the provision of an information board at other park entrances including the entrance from Seskin View / Avonmore Road.


As the proposed works are consistent with the proper planning and development of the area, it is recommended to proceed with the proposed scheme as advertised.

Observations and comments outside the scope of the Part 8 proposals.

1.0 Mr. Charlie O’ Connor TD


There is particular need to provide a proper entrance to the park at Seskin View Road at it's junction with Avonmore Road.


No formal entrance has been proposed at this location as part of the current Part 8 proposal. Consideration will be given to providing a formal entrance at Seskin View Road / Avonmore Road subject to an investigation of suitable locations as part of future improvement works to the Dodder Valley Park.


The boundary along Avonmore Road also needs to be properly developed.

No boundary treatment has been proposed along Avonmore Road as part of the current Part 8 procedure. Consideration will be given to improving this boundary as part of future works in the Dodder Valley Park.

2.0 Ms. Tara De Buitléar


Need to install formal entrance into park at Seskin View Rd / Avonmore Rd entrance – in line with those on Old Bawn Road (OBR) & Firhouse Rd.


No formal entrance has been proposed at this location as part of the current Part 8 proposal. Consideration will be given to providing a formal entrance at Seskin View Road / Avonmore Road subject to an investigation of suitable locations as part of future improvement works to the Dodder Valley Park.


Need to include a formal, high quality boundary into the park along the Avonmore Rd – this is a formal boundary into the park and yet does not continue the high quality stone finish of the other boundaries to this park.

No boundary treatment has been proposed along Avonmore Road as part of the current Part 8 procedure. Consideration will be given to this boundary as part of future improvement works to the Dodder Valley Park. 2.7

C)   I would suggest that the over grown hedgerows along Avonmore road should be cut down or removed were possible to open up the river area / views into the valley to the community. It is currently overgrown and creates the ideal setting for illegal dumping and anti social behaviour.

It would be a great enhancement to this amenity if this stretch of the river was made more visible from the road from an enjoyment perspective with the added benefit of reducing cover which is assisting illegal littering and anti social behaviour.


No works are proposed as part of the current Part 8 proposal to the hedgerows along the Avonmore Road part of the park. It is Council policy to retain hedgerows and to provide new hedgerows where possible as they are a very important habitat. This section of the park will be reviewed in terms of measures to deter the anti-social behaviour.