Monday, June 09, 2008
Report of Tallaght Area Committee Meeting (2)
26th May, 2008
Motion 11
Planning Business
MOTION: Councillor M. Corr
That the Manager reports on the current status of the proposed redevelopment of the Saggart Arms public house, noting that there have been several complaints from local people in relation to the placing of hoarding around the site in recent weeks.
Planning application SD06A/0636 refers to this site. This application was received on the 24/07/2006 from Hannah Homes LTD seeking permission for the following development at Main Street, Saggart, Co. Dublin:
Demolition of the existing garage and single storey extension to the rear of the Saggart Arms and the construction of three blocks comprising: Block 1 11 no. 2 bed 2 storey town houses and 2no. 2 bed apartments over 1no. retail unit in three storeys onto St. Mary's Park and 7no. 2 bed duplexes over 5no. retail units in three storeys onto Boherboy road, a new pedestrian street and the village green; Block two 5no. 2 bed duplexes over three retail units in three storeys onto new pedestrian street and village green to the rear of the existing pub building which is to be retained and converted into 1no. retail unit; Block three 3 storey block with penthouse offices onto Main Street, Boherboy Road and new pedestrian street accommodating ground floor pub, first floor restaurant and second and penthouse office space all with ancillary services spaces; basement car park with access off Boherboy road and associated works at lands to the rear, adjoining and including the existing garage and the Saggart Arms bounded by Main Street, Boherboy Road, St. Mary's Park and The Village Green.
On 5/4/2007 a decision to refuse permission was made in respect of this application.
On 30/04/2007 the applicant appealed to An Bord Pleanala against this decision and on the 02/10/2007 An Bord Pleannala made a decision to grant permission with minor modifications.
No commencement notice has been received in respect of this planning application.
A hoarding licence has been granted by the Transportation department with conditions attached.
To facilitate this development a letter of comfort was issued to the developer to include in the planning application a strip of land in the Council’s ownership measuring approximately 3 metres in width along the south and eastern boundaries of the site primarily for the purposes of pedestrian access to the completed development.
This issue will be the subject of a proposed disposal at the June meeting of the County Council.
The Members AGREED to amend the motion to state “that this proposed disposal does not proceed to the June Council Meeting”
Managers Report:
The disposal of property is a Reserved Function of the Council. Disposals are subject to the provisions of Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001 and in accordance with Section 211 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000.
The proposed disposal of this property is advised to Members unded H-I (9) g) at this meeting.